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Помогите английский решить 1. My friend invited me ______ at her house. a) stay b) staying c) to stay 2. We were so tired so we often stopped ______ a

5-9 класс

rest. a) to have b) have c) having 3. They always made ______ at home. a) to stay b) stay c) staying 4. She enjoys _________ to music. a) to listen b) listen c) listening 5. Math ________ a difficult subject for me. a) am b) is c) are 6. He has been sleeping __________ two hours. a) at b)for c) since 7. Is there_________ meat? We need to buy _______. a) some b) any c) no 8. This problem __________discussed at our last meeting. a) will be b) has be c) was 9. She has been reading the book _______ 5 o’clock. a) for b) since c) at 10.________ you go to the disco last week. a) do b) will c) did 11. She said: “I am having breakfast”. a) She said she has been having breakfast. b) She said she was having breakfast. 12. I usually go to _______ bed early. a) the b) - c) a d) an 13. I_____________ come with you if __________finish translating this article. a) will/will b) -/will c) will/- d) -/- 14. Sportsmen arrived in ______ Almaty on ______ twenty-first of July. a) the/the b) the/- c)-/- d) -/the 15. Spring begins ________ March. a) of b) in c) on 16. We asked if he ________ to join us. a) wants b) wanted c) will want 17. Turn _________ the light. It is 11 o’clock already. a) on b) off c) down d) up 18. I was born ________ 1978. a) on b) at c) to d) in 19. In winter the days are _______ than in autumn. a) short b) shortest c) as short d) shorter 20. When I entered the classroom the lesson _______ . a) had already start b) was already started c) had already started 21. One day Mark Twain was traveling in France by train. He was going to a small town near Paris. He asked the conductor to wake him up when they got to the town and went to sleep. It was early morning when he woke up. The train was already near Paris. Mark Twain ran up to the conductor and cried: “I asked you to wake me up! Why didn’t you do it?” The conductor answered: “You may be angry, sir, but not so angry as the American whom I put off the train instead of you”. Mark Twain asked the conductor: a) to help him with his suitcase b) to bring a cup of coffee c) to wake him up d) to show the map e) to walk with him

Natalyapodlesova 07 янв. 2015 г., 3:48:32 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 янв. 2015 г., 5:29:01 (9 лет назад)

1. c) to stay

2. a) to have

3. b) stay 

4. c) listening

5. b) is

6. b) for

7. c) no, a) some

8. c) was

9. b) since

10. c) did

11. a) She said she was having breakfast.

12. a) the

13. c) will/-

14. a) the/the

15. b) in

16. a) wants

17. b) off

18. d) in

19. d) shorter

20. b) was already started

21. c) to wake him up

+ 0 -
07 янв. 2015 г., 6:58:02 (9 лет назад)























Другие вопросы из категории

неумею читать на анг.языке помогите мне )* как читаются эти предложения

These are two main types of national
papers - the popular papers and the guality papers . The popular papers
are smaller in size with lots of pictures , big headlines and short
articles. They are easy to read and often have little real information .
Examples of this type of newspapers are the Daily Mail and the Daily
Express .

помогите пожалуйста напишите правила

Present Simple, Past Simple,
Present Continuous

Читайте также

Помогите, прошу!!! 36. – Выразите вопросительные предложения косвенной речью. 1. My friend asked me: "Which book did you take?" 2. Father said to Kate:

"What are you doing now?" 3. Tom said: "Have you met Pat before?" 4. Judy asked Nike: "Did you invite your friends?" 5. My aunt asked me: "Have you already finished your exams?" 6. The teacher asked his pupils: "Do you like the story?" 7. The passenger said: "What time does the plane arrive?" 8. Grandmother said to Jack: "Will you send a telegram tomorrow?" 9. She asked her guest: "Do you prefer coffee to tea?" 10. Mother asked her children: "Who has broken the cup?" 11. The child asked his father: "What is this toy made of?" 12. The doctor said to his patient: "How are you feeling now?" 13. Sam asked Jane: "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?" 14. He asked his friend: "Can I get you something to drink?" 15. John asked Chris: "When are you leaving?"

Востановить прямую речь в предложениях : 1) My friend asked me how long l had know Ann. 2) George said he didnt want to catch cold and

stay at home.

3)She asked Tom where he had left his umbrella.

4)l asked my friend what time he was going home.

Помогите перевести. Только не через переводчик.

1. Look at these children: they are skating very well. 2. Did you skate last Sunday? — Yes, we were skating the whole day last Sunday. We will skate again next Sunday. 3. My brother can skate very well. He skates every Sunday. 4. What are you doing now? — I am washing the dishes. 5. What were you doing at three o'clock yesterday? — I was having din ner. 6. Are you having dinner now? 7. Where does your brother work? — He works at an institute. 8. Was your grandmother sleeping when you came home yesterday? 9. What will your brother do to morrow? 10. I did not go to the shop yesterday. I will go to the shop tomorrow. 11. Where was Kate going when you met her yesterday? 12. Every day the boss enters the office at nine o'clock. 13. Yesterday the boss entered the office at half past nine. 14. When will the secretary come tomor row? 15. At six o'clock yesterday we were listening to a very interesting lecture. 16. When I entered the office, the secretary was typing some letters. 17. My friend rang me up at eight o'clock yesterday.

Add a sentence with the past perfect .

1.Mary couldn't get into the cinema.
(the film/begin)
The film had already begun.
2.We got to the station , but we were late.
(the train/just/go)
3.I didn't have an umbrella , but I didnt't need it.
(the rain/stop)
4.When John got to the concert hall , they didnt't let him in.
(forget/his ticket)
5.I was happy to see my aunt.
(not see/her/for a year)
6.My mum was pleased to see my room.
7.My friend invited me to lunch yesterday , but I refused.
(already/eat/my hot-dog)

Пожалуйста, помогите!)

Прочитайте текст и найдите ошибки.
A day I'll never forget
A day I'll never forget was the day I started my final exams at university. I thought that the first exam was in the afternoon but my friend waked me up at 9 o'clock and told me to hurry as we was going to be late.The exam began at 9.30. We run all the way to the exam centre, but, unfortunately, when we were going up the steps, I fell and hurted myself. Then the exam was started. I knew I haven't studied enough but I stayed in my seat for as long as possible, writing down everything I knew on the exam paper. When I left the exam, half an hour earlier than everyone else, I meet my Professor, who asked me how it had gone. I wasn't wanting to tell him the truth so I said, 'Very well.' He said he had learned me everything he knew about his subject and he waited I'd get good marks. OfcourseIfailed.

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