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1-4 класс

our teacher was to london two years ago

Rykunova1987 02 авг. 2014 г., 21:39:56 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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02 авг. 2014 г., 22:51:06 (9 лет назад)

Our teacher was in London two years ago


Другие вопросы из категории

задай вопросы к этим предложениям начиная с вопросительных слов написать эти вопросы тебе поможет магическая таблица седрика начиная вопрос со слова в

Jane reads books at home (What)
We drink tea at five o'clock (When)
Helen plays in the park (Where)
My friends like ice cream (What)
My mum often goes to the swimming pool at weekends (When)
второстепенные члены предложения
What does Jane read at home ?

помогите пожалуйста решить.употрибите глагол в нужном времени.1)there(to be) a dookshelf with dictionaries in the classroom.2)next year i (to have)

four lessons of english every week.3)yesterday hobbit (to go) shopping and he (to buy) a nice pen.4)...you (to answer) the questions at the last lesson?-no, i.... .5)my litlle sister (to go)to school in two years.

Читайте также

прошу помогите исправьте ошибкиshe hasпрошу помогите исправьте ошибки

she has done her homework yet
there are a lot of different office in westminster
westminster abbey is one of the most famous church in London
They didn't see him today
our teacher was to london two years ago
it takes an hour for him to do the shoping

задание такое прошу помогите .. : Put the verbs in the correct form , referring them to the present , past or future. 1. They ... a lot in their Music

lrsson last Thursday . (to laugh) 2. She ... us tomorrow , won"t she? (to leave) 3. You always ... well . (to coun) 4.Shell I san you & (to join) 5. We ... a lot in out Music lesson yesterday (to sing) 6. They ... much , as their work is difficult (to work) Прошу помогите мне . Прошу вас люди ......... (скажу спс и сделую лучшим ответом 1 )

Помогите мне составить вопросы к предложениям: 1.She will drink milk in the morning? 2.She drank milk yesterday? 3.Tomorrow Nora will go to the zoo with

her Grandpa? Помогите исправить ошибки: 1.Tom went to the past yesterday.2.My mother will buying oranges tomorrow.3.He is playng tennis.4.My father is workes on a farm every day.5.They were in mountains last moth. И ещё напишите правила которые прегодятся мне в 4-5 классе.

помогите исправить ошибки плииз:3

1 ) spot ( так зовут собаку) want to play wich Bob (так зовут мальчика)
2 ) his parents go at the swmming - pool
4 ) the pets is alone at home
5) bob (так зовут мальчика) ахand his parents come home on the evening

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