Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

помогите вставьте слова

1-4 класс

1. Yesterday Mum bought ... fore me , but i don't know what it is .
2 .It was night and he couldn't see ... .
3 . He saw... because it was night .
4. There are ... books on the table , but i don't know how many .
5. Were there ... toys in the box ? - Yes , there were ... .
6. Did you see ... in the field ? - No , I saw ... there.
7. The boy didn't ask ... to help him make a chair .
8. ... came into the house .
9. There was ... bread on the table and i asked Mum to give me ... .
10 . Is there ... coffee in the cup ? - No , there isn't . There is ... milk in it .

Alyagrigoryan 02 февр. 2014 г., 2:47:41 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 февр. 2014 г., 3:41:02 (10 лет назад)

6.anything и nothing
8 Someone
10.any и no


Читайте также

Помогите вставить слова

Dear liza.

I don't think I will do a lot on my holidays.

I think I вставить слово

I'd like to вставить слово, but I also should вставить слово.

I hope I вставить слова.

I can't wait to вставить слово because вставить слово.

From Russia with love.

помогите вставить нужные слов.

Boy: Is there ... in your hat?
Clown: Yes, there is ... in my hat.
Boy: Is there ... in your box?
Clown: No, there isn't ... in my box.
за место троеточий вставить слова правильные в диалог
помогите плизззззззззззззззззззззззззззззззз

Помогите вставить слова! Вот пример который записан:

This dinosaur's SMALLER than a chicken.
а вот сами предложения:
1 This dinosaur's --------- than a plane.
2 This dinosaur's --------- than ten elephants.
3 This dinosaur's---------- than a bike.
4 This dinosaur's----------than two buses.
5 This dinosaur's-----------than a house.
А вот слова которые надо вставить в пропуски:
Bigger, faster, taller, longer, heavier.

Помогите вставить слова: Dear Steve, Im in moscow. It's 1___ sunday today. It's so interesting here! I stay wiht Dasha's family. They

don't 2___ eggs, they don't play 3 __ and they don't have 4__ . But they colour eggs. And their traditionalf food called 'paskha' and 'kulitch' is so tasty. I like it here. Tomorrow I'll go to yhe farm where Dasha's granny lives. We'll taste Granny's 6___ and Dasha will teach me to 7 ___ .

Best wishes, wendy

Слова: hide Easter play wooden spoons Egg hunt the Easter Bunny traditional delicious food

Were did you go for a (вставить слово)

i (вставить слово)to tokyo.
how did you.( вставить слово ) there.
i travelled from tula to moscow by (
вставить слово)
then i went from moscow to delhi (

вставить слово)
from delhi to kalkata i travelled
(вставить слово )

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