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составте плиз плиз 9 утвердительных и 3 вапросительных и 3 отрецательных предложений в форме (to begoing) по англискому задоли и сежу мучаюсь напешите

1-4 класс

плиз плиз только правельно прошу))

Bakmn 22 дек. 2014 г., 15:16:37 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 дек. 2014 г., 18:02:13 (9 лет назад)

1 The box is going to fall.

2 I am going to work in summer.

3 I am going to send him a message.

4 We are going to get married in August.

5 He is going to go to the cinema tonight.

6 I am going to meet him tomorrow.

7 We are going to give a party the day after tomorrow.

8 We are going there for the weekend.

9 I’m going to buy some sosages.


1 He is going to be a greet pianist, isn’t he?

2 How long are you going to stay? 

3 When are you going home?


1 We are not going to work.

2 I was not going to do it.

3 I am not going to maryed.

+ 0 -
22 дек. 2014 г., 20:04:01 (9 лет назад)

I am going to go to the country in winter. 

She is going to go to the theatre next week. 

They are going to go to the museum tonight. 

I am going to visit my granny tomorrow. 

I am going to give him this present tonight.

We are going to send this letter tomorrow.

He is going to meet his friends tonight.

She is going to go to the airport tomorrow. She is going to leave the country.


Is he going to be a football player?  

How long are you going to stay with them? 

She is going to be a teacher, isn`t she? 


She isn`t going to be a lawyer. 

He isn`t going to do his homework. 

They aren`t going to be doctors. 



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Помогите срочно 1 Ответ ОТМЕЧУ КАК ЛУЧШИЙ нужно составить предложения


this is the key of the kingdom. In that kingdom there is a city. In that city there is a street. In that street there is a


In that yard there is a house.

In that house there is a room.

In that room there is a bed.

On that room there is a basket.

In that basket there are flowers.

написать стихотворение в обратной форме.

Put the paragraphs (1–5) in order to make a short story.

1) Finally,
he starts building his own car! He tells his parents about it. His
father doesn't believe him. He says it's too difficult. His mother says
she is worried. She doesn't want him to do anything dangerous. After two
months, Kevin invites his parents to see his creation.

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