Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Скажите, что это не так.

1-4 класс

1. There is some cheese on the plate.
2. She had Art every day.
3. He has a guestion.
4. Sveta teaches children.
5. They do their homework in the morning.

Anyutka172 02 мая 2014 г., 16:41:53 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 мая 2014 г., 17:58:51 (10 лет назад)

There is no cheese on the plate

She didn't have Art every day

He has not a guestion (опечатка?))

Sveta doesn't teach children

They don't do their homework in the morning


Другие вопросы из категории

знайди текстiслова з лiтерою li.Назви лiтери в цих словах по порядку.склади з ними речення.laura lockhart has got a little lamb.her name is Lola.she is

white.she has gottwo smalleyes and two small ears.she has got four legs.

lola eats grass and corn.she drinks water.

lolalikes to play.she can walk and run.she can jump

lola is my favourite animal and my best friend

Fill in is or are. Fill in is or are.

1)There...some money on the table.
2)there...3 jars of jam on the shelf.
3)...there any money in your pocket
4)... there any carrots in the basket
5)There...not any money in my bag
6)There...not any toasts in the toaster

Вкаких случаях ониставяться

Вставить to be или have got в правильной форме: I...from America. I...good friends. They...a nice bird and a very nice girl.

I...very happy.

I...a dear friend.

He...a little black dog.

We...from Kansas.

It...in the USA

Читайте также

Скажите, что это не так.

1. They like to sing.
2. He wants to came.
3. She goes for a walk.
4. We konow the name.
5. It likes fish.
Скажите, что это не так.
1. Kate is in the park
2. Kate was in the park
3. Kate goes to the park
4. Kate and Sue go to the park
5. Kate and Sue were to the park

скажите что это не так . You can fly-

You can go there-
You are his friend-
You are angry-

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