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здравствуйте я новенькая помогите мне сделать английский язык надо задать 5 вопросов не важно специальные или общие вот текст: The Tower of London is the

5-9 класс

oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe .It is one of the most popular museums nowadays. The great central tower, the White Tower, was built around 1090 by William the Conqueror on the site of a Roman fort built there more than 1000 years earlier. Massive defensive walls and other towers were added later. Through the centuries , the Tower of London has been a citadel , a palace , a prison for offenders against the State , the home of the Mint, the treasury for the Crown Jewels , a menagerie , the first royal observatory. Three queens of England have been beheaded within its walls.
The Towers guardians are the Yeomen Warders who wear splendid scarlet and gold uniforms dating back to Henry Vll s time . помогите очень надо на завтра пожалуйста!!!!

Zagadka21vek 18 апр. 2013 г., 10:10:01 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 апр. 2013 г., 12:39:07 (11 лет назад)

Is the Tower of London  the oldest palace, fortress and prison in the world? .
When was  the White Tower built by William the Conqueror?
 What has the Tower of London been through the centuries?
How many queens of England have been beheaded within its walls. 
What uniform do the Yeomen Warders wear?

+ 0 -
18 апр. 2013 г., 14:52:16 (11 лет назад)

Is the Tower of London  the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe?
What is the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe?
Is the Tower of London  the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe or all over the world?
 The Tower of London is  the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe, isn't it?
What is the Tower of London?

+ 0 -
18 апр. 2013 г., 16:34:54 (11 лет назад)

5 к этому тексту или к каждому предложению?

+ 0 -
18 апр. 2013 г., 17:41:26 (11 лет назад)

ну мы брали одно предложения составляли вопрос

+ 0 -
18 апр. 2013 г., 19:03:26 (11 лет назад)

любое предложение

+ 0 -
18 апр. 2013 г., 21:25:01 (11 лет назад)



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Example: I haven`t got many friends but I`ve gor a few really good ones.

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Срочнооооооо™!!!!!!! Срочноооооооо!!!!!!!!! Помогите пожалуйста по английскому языку!!!!! Мне вообщем задали сочинение!!!!! Оно у меня на русском

написано, а надо чтобы было на английском перевидите пожалуйста на английский язык!!!!!! Текст на фото. Буду очень благодарна если поможете)

даю 20 баллов, помогите мне с английским, нужно сделать пересказ этого текста

самое главно, чтобы было все понятно и нетак уж и коротко
Children in Victorian times
Victoria was the Queen of England, from 1837 to 1901. During early Victorian times, poor children worked from the age of five to feed themselves and their families. These jobs were not easy and were often dangerous.

Many children worked as chimney sweeps because they were small and thin. They climbed up narrow chimneys to clean them. Street children or orphans usually did this job.

A lot of children also worked in cotton « factories. When the cotton threads broke, children went into the machines to fix \ them. This was very dangerous.

Other children worked in coal mines. They pushed trucks of coal or they opened and closed doors to let air through tunnels.

The masters were often cruel. Children worked long hours for very low wages. A lot of children had health problems and accidents.

Lord Shaftesbury helped to stop adults from using young children at work. He started free schools for poor children. By the end of Victorian times all children went to school until the age of 10.

даю 20 баллов, помогите мне с английским, нужно сделать пересказ этого текста

самое главно, чтобы было все понятно и нетак уж и коротко
Children in Victorian times
Victoria was the Queen of England, from 1837 to 1901. During early Victorian times, poor children worked from the age of five to feed themselves and their families. These jobs were not easy and were often dangerous.

Many children worked as chimney sweeps because they were small and thin. They climbed up narrow chimneys to clean them. Street children or orphans usually did this job.

A lot of children also worked in cotton « factories. When the cotton threads broke, children went into the machines to fix \ them. This was very dangerous.

Other children worked in coal mines. They pushed trucks of coal or they opened and closed doors to let air through tunnels.

The masters were often cruel. Children worked long hours for very low wages. A lot of children had health problems and accidents.

Lord Shaftesbury helped to stop adults from using young children at work. He started free schools for poor children. By the end of Victorian times all children went to school until the age of 10.

Перевсти на английский язык(не из переводчика!)

1)Зачем мне нужен английский язык?
2)Чтобы общаться с иностранцами.
3)Чтобы читать книги на английском языке.
4)Что бы понимать и слушать английские песни.

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