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Как читается этот текст!In South of England, near Surrey, Elspeth Beard, the famous architect has got a very unusual house. It is a water tower.130 feet

1-4 класс

tall.The house is 100 years old. The Tower has got six floors. There is a reception room on the ground floor.The bedrooms are on the first,second and third floors. They have all got their own bathrooms. The kitchen is on the fourth floor and the living room is on the fifth floor. There are 142 steps to the roof, 88 to the kitchen and 113 to the living room. It is a great way to keep fit as there is not a lift. That is the price you pay for living high up!

Sabina8a 07 авг. 2014 г., 7:25:01 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 авг. 2014 г., 10:18:20 (9 лет назад)

jhjhjhjh tuututu tuttttttttttttttt        tyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

+ 0 -
07 авг. 2014 г., 12:46:47 (9 лет назад)

сам свенья

+ 0 -
07 авг. 2014 г., 13:25:53 (9 лет назад)

Это метафора. Учи русский. ПравИльно, СвИнья.

+ 0 -
07 авг. 2014 г., 14:03:58 (9 лет назад)

умник нашолся

+ 0 -
07 авг. 2014 г., 16:59:21 (9 лет назад)

каторый ещё неправельно текст читает

+ 0 -
07 авг. 2014 г., 19:58:08 (9 лет назад)

что делать уже полноч мне 11 лет и я хочу спать а англ незделот завтра контраша


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Как читается этот текст!In South of England, near Surrey, Elspeth Beard, the famous architect has got a very unusual house. It is a water tower.130 feet

tall.The house is 100 years old. The Tower has got six floors. There is a reception room on the ground floor.The bedrooms are on the first,second and third floors. They have all got their own bathrooms. The kitchen is on the fourth floor and the living room is on the fifth floor. There are 142 steps to the roof, 88 to the kitchen and 113 to the living room. It is a great way to keep fit as there is not a lift. That is the price you pay for living high up!

Live high up

In the South of England, near Surrey, Elspeth Beard, the famous architect has got a very unusual house. It’s a water tower, 130 ft* tall. The house is 100 years old. The tower has got six floors. There is a reception room on the ground floor. The bedrooms are on the first, second and third floors. They have all got their own bathrooms. The kitchen is on the fourth floor and the living room is on the fifth floor. There are 142 steps to the roof, 88 to the kitchen, and 113 to the living room. It’s a great way to keep fit as there isn’t a lift. That’s the price you pay for living high up!
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Live High Up! правда или ложь T правда F непаравда

In the South of England, near Surrey, Elspeth Beard, the famous architect has got a very unusual house. It's a wates tower, 130 ft* tall. The house is 100 years old. The tower has got six floors. There is a reception room on the ground floor. The bedrooms are on the first, second and third floors. They have all got their own bathrooms. The kitchen is on the fourth floor and the living room is on the fifth floor. There are 148 steps to the roof, 88 to the kitchen and 113 to the living room. It's a great way to keep fit as there isn't a lift. That's the price you pay for living high up!

Как читается этот текст?

I live in the house. Our house fioor.It has modern facilities: gas, water,electricity. The house has 3 rooms:kitchen, bathroom and living room. Living is the largest and most comfortable room in dome. In seridine komnotu is a table and 4 stula. Spalnya less than the living room and she was hot very bright, because it 1 box.

the famous british writer Joanne K rowling is THE AUTOR OF THE hARRY Potter books. When she was a small girl she lived winterbourne. it is a large

village in the south of england. it is not far from the city of bristor. she went to st michael s primary school unity she was nine years old. potters surname originated from some of her friends in the village.

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