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как переводится с английского What year is he in at school?

1-4 класс

DenasTSAR 06 мая 2013 г., 19:21:25 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 мая 2013 г., 20:50:30 (11 лет назад)

Скільки років він
в школі?

+ 0 -
06 мая 2013 г., 22:46:25 (11 лет назад)

Какой сейчас год он в школе?


Другие вопросы из категории

A: What are you doing?

B: I'm making a sandcastle.

1 paint/picture 3 watch/TV
2 drive/car 4 play/game

выпиши из рекламы мисс чэттер прилагательные напиши их в трёх сравнениях например latge - larger - (the) largest

Chatterplace is a large farm. There is an old house and a big garden with flowers on the farm.
The house is clean and nice/
Come to my place!
You can ride a strong brave horse.
You can walk in the garden.
You can swim in a wide river.
You can read funny fairy tales.
You can play with little rabbits.
You can have a cup of warm milk in the evening.
Chatterplace is what you want!
You`ll have a good time here

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Как правильно ответить на вопросы по тексту:Hi.I am Dan. I learn many subjects at school:maths,art,nature stady ,pe. All these lessons are very

interesting,but maths ,computer studies,english and pe are my favourite ones.Вопросы:Does Dan learn many subjects at school?2.What subjects does he iearn at school?3.What are his favorite lessons?

Посмотрите текст уроков 1, 2 и ответь на вопросы.

1. Where is Misha from?-
2. How old is he?-
3.What class is he in?-
4.Is he from a bog city or a small town?-
5.Where is Misha's town?-


срочно!!!!! задать вопрос и ответить на вопросы.образец: -where is Denis?-He is in the park . - what is he doing?- he is feeding the birds. теперь

задание:1 -where are the children?-.......... in the yard. - what........?.......... . 2- where is our Head Teacher?-........ in his study. - what........?-............. . 3 where are the girls ahd boys?-.......... in the cinema. - what ........?-........... . 4 where are our friends?- ....... at school.- what......?-........ . 5 where is the puppy?-...... in the hall. - what.........?- ....... .

напишите пожалуйсто как этот текст будет читаться по англ но русскими словами, читаю плохо а завтро будут чтение проверятьнапример первое предложение

: ай эм стертинг бекос ай и тд
I am starting this diary because I have lost hope. I have closed my office.
I'm the boss of a successfful detective agency.We have helped hundreds of people. We have never let any of our clients down and we've always done our best.
Everything changed two years ago. I was having my morning coffee when a nice lady came into my office. Her name was Betsey MacWizard and I could see that she needed help.
At first, I didn't find the case difficult. Her son, Robin MacWizard, had gone to Russia and disappeared there. Robin, or Rob, as everybody called him, was a very intelligent twelveyear-old boy, so I didn't think anything could happen to him. The lady also had the address of his pen friend, Misha Inin. I sent Agent Cute to Russia. Big mistake. He isn't very good at his job. He often loses and forgets things. but he is a good guy and he is my brother.
Agent Cute weent to Russia and Found the boys easily. Robin MacWizard was staying with Misha Inin. They were having a great time together. But there was something strange about the boy. He didn't know anything about TV, computers and cars, he wore a kilt, and Misha always helped him with everything. One day Cute told me that Robin could fly. I laughed when I heard that. How stupid I was.
Soon after that the boys disappeared. We found them in London. Nobody knew how they got there without any money or travel documents (passports). Then we lost them again. I was really angry with Cute. Finally, he found them at Betsey MacWizard's house. They were staying there as her guests and made friends with her older children, Rosy and Mark. It was claer that Robin Was not the MacWizard's son. At that momennt I went on a holiday. I didn't understand anything any more and needed a rest. When I came back everything was over.
Later Agent Cute, Misha Inin and Rob MacWizard (the real one) told me the most unbelievable story.
Robin MacWIzard had come to our time from the Edonburgh in 1599. He had swapped with Rob MacWizard, Betsey's son, who was his 9 times great grandson. That's why we couldn't find Rob.
Robin was a wizard and a Scottish patriot. He wanted to steal the Stone of Destiny From Westminster Abbey. This is the magic stone on which they crowned all the Scottish and then English kings. He thought that the Stone could make Scotland strong and rich, but there was one thing which he didn't know. The Queen of England had returned the Stone to Scotland in 1997.
Then Robin had to find the way bak to his time. He had made a lot of friends. With Their help he and Rob returned to their own times. Misha says that Agent Cute helped them a lot and was a real hero, but I don't believe it.
We found the boy and after that Agent Cute gave me a note which Robin had dropped before he left. It was in an ancient secret language, but I decided to translate it. Another big mistake.
The note was the key to the family treasure of the MacWizard. When the translation was ready, I sent it to them with Agent Cute. My last mistake. Somebody stole it from him on the train. He thinks it was a young woman, but he doesn't know her name.
I fired Agent Cute. But did that help? Somebody tried to rob the MacWizard's house when they were on holiday. The robber was looking for old manuscripts. The good news was that Misha came to England again. Together Misha, Rob, Mark and Rosy read a copy of Robin's note.

Friends understood that the key to the treasure was in the old family manuscripts. Mark, Who is very good at History, found the right book and they started to translate it frome the secret language of the wizards.
Meanwhile, the boys went back to school. They weren't safe there. Somebody broke the window of their room, searched through their things and dropped a piece of paper. It was a page from the MacWizards' family history book. Stupid boys didn't tell me anything. They told everything to their ''earest friend'' Agent Cute. He came and, as usual, made things worse. When he was at school, somebody kidnapped Rob. The kidnappers wanted the MacWizard history book. In the end Rob got home safely, but the kidnappers got what they wanted. Now Rob and his family will never find their treasure. It is my fault. There is no this case. What shall I do?

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