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Прошу помогите срочно надо. Заполни пропуски словами : some , any , no.

1-4 класс

1) There is ____ juice in the glass.
2) Would you like _____ orange juice ? - No , thank you. I don't want ____.
3) Are there ___ people on the farm ? - Yes , there are___.
4) They have ____ bread at home.
5) Can I have _____ tea?

Bardinik22 25 февр. 2015 г., 14:40:46 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 февр. 2015 г., 17:39:38 (9 лет назад)

Наверное так
Some утверждение
Any вопрос или отрицание
No отрицание

+ 0 -
25 февр. 2015 г., 20:37:49 (9 лет назад)

there is no juice in the glass would you like some orange juice? No thank you I don't want any. Are there any people on the farm? Yes, there are some. They have no bread at home. Can I have some tea?

+ 0 -
25 февр. 2015 г., 23:34:09 (9 лет назад)

Помогите срочно очень надо(


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Помоге пожалуйста завтра уже урок даю 20 баллов ,как читаеться эте слова на английском языке .Wher l"ve heard about lnternational Teeragers

Competition,l tried my charce and was irluck Frankly speaking.L didn"t miss my charce only be cause of my mother .She said to me that l shou l d take part in this competition to have a charce towin it.She told that it wasa chahce in a millior .L couldn"t miss my charce,because ltwas my d ream to visit different courtries and to improve my English. And L wor a competition!L think, that if you have ar aim,you shou ld take all your charlces to achi eve it. Several ti mes l was ou tof luck an lost the competition .But finally l did it ! Good luck to everg body !

Помогите пожалуйста: 1.Tom ... television every evening. A) look B) is watching C) watches D) is looking 2. ... a

tree on the blackboard!

A) Sing B) Play C) Clap D) Draw

3.Ann didn`t ... her teeth in the morning.

A) brush B) brushed C) brushing D) brushes

4. A postman usually ... letters.

A) read B) mails C) delivers D) sends

5. Look! the dog ... Mary`s birthday cake.

A) is eating B) eats C) is eaten D) eat

Заранее > спасибо!!!

Читайте также

Помогите пожалуйста.

Заполни пропуски словами: some, any, no.
1) There is _______ juice in the glass.
2) Would you like _____ orange juice? - No, thank you. I don't want _____.
3) Are there _____ people on the farm? - Yes, there are ____ .
4) They have _____ bread at home.
5) Can I have _____ tea?

Заполните пропуски словами: some, any,no. 1)There is ... juice in the glass 2)Would y

ou like ... orange juice? -No, thank you. I don't want ...

3) Are there ... people on the farm? -Yes. there are ...

4)They have ... money at home.

5) Would you like ... tea?

6) There were ... letters in the letter-box.

Помогите пожалуйста!!!!

Заполни пропуски словами: some,any,no. 1)There is ____ juice in the glass. 2)Would you like ____ orange juice? - No,thank you. I dont want ___ . 3) Are the

re ____ people on the farm? - Yes,there are ___ . 4)They have ___ bread at home. 5)Can I have ___ tea?

заполни пропуски словами ; some, any, no. 1.there is ... juice in the glass. 2/ Would you like ... orange juice? - No, thank you. I don"t want ... . 3/

Are there ... people on the farm? - Yes there are ... . 4/ They have ... bread at home? 5/ Can I have ... tea?

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