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Write what there was in your school bag when you went to school this morning.

1-4 класс

Goga1980 06 янв. 2014 г., 5:27:57 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 янв. 2014 г., 6:48:41 (10 лет назад)

In my bag were books and textbooks when i went to school this morning.
В моей сумке(портфеле) лежали учебники и тетради когда я шел в школу этим утром.


Другие вопросы из категории

напишите мне ответ плиз

Возьмите красную ручку и исправьте ошибки.
1. I usually come hom from the school at 5 o clock.
2. There is the puppy in the box.
3. Are you have Mahs on Thursday?
4. Rex is a black.
5. Sam is good pupil.
6. He doesn,t never eat ice cream
7. I can,t see nothing here.
8. She never cooks meat, doesn,t she?
9. You never think about it, don,t you?
10.they never gave presents to him, didn,t they?

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Write what there was in your school bag when you went to school this morning
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