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we left oxford on the third day to go back home

5-9 класс

Egoryan1996 02 окт. 2016 г., 12:53:31 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 окт. 2016 г., 14:11:56 (7 лет назад)

мы оставили Оксфорд на третий день, чтобы вернуться домой

+ 0 -
02 окт. 2016 г., 15:47:50 (7 лет назад)

Мы уехали из  Оксфорда на третий день( через три дня) . чтобы вернуться домой.


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Write passive sentences.


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помогите сделать 2 слова у меня не получается.

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work in pairs. make up a story about a happy day. use -ing forms. Tell your stories to each other. The enjoyable day: -to go

picnicking(being in the open air, staying in the museum)

-not to mind(halping each other)

-to have a wonderful time (playing, eating)

-to go(boating, fishing)

-to love(singing, dancing)

London And now imagine, my dear pupils, we are going on an excursion round London. As you know, London stands on the river Thames. London, the capital

of Great Britain, is a very old city. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. Now London is a big port and a beautiful city with large squares and parks. About 8 million people live here. London is one of the biggest cities in the world. The Thames is not a long river. It is 3 hundred and 30 kilometers long. The English people call it “The Father of London”. London began on the Thames. And now we start our tour from Tower Bridge. Tower Bridge is the only Thames bridge, which can be raised. The road over the bridge is built on two central sections. These sections open 2 or 3 times a week to let ships through. If you want to see London the best place to go is The Eye. London Eye is a big wheel on the river Thames. The Eye is very popular. Every day 1600 people go to the eye. There are 33 capsules and one ride takes 30 minutes. The Eye is very tall – 133 meters. At the top of the Eye you get a great view of London. You can see Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace is the London home of the kings and queens of Great Britain. Now the Queen Elizabeth lives there. When the flag is flying on the top, she is at home. Buckingham Palace has 600 rooms, a swimming pool, a cinema, a ballroom and a garden. In summer the Queen gives three garden parties for about 9000 guests. The ceremony of the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is a great tourist attraction. It takes place every day at 11.30 a.m. and lasts half an hour. To the sounds of music the guardsmen in their traditional bearskins arrive and give the palace keys to another group. On the right bank of the Thames you can see the Tower of London. The Tower of London is a very old building. It is 9 hundred years old. In the early days of the history of England the English Kings lived here. Then it was a prison where many people died. Black ravens had much food near the walls of the Tower in those years. Black ravens live outside the Tower now. The English people like them very much. A man looks after the ravens and gives them food in the morning and in the evening. The ravens have names. The Tower of London is a museum now. The walls of the Tower are 5 meters thick. In the museum you can see many old guns. At 10 o’clock every evening the guards lock the big doors of the Tower for the night. And now we are making our way to the Houses of Parliament. The famous clock Big Ben stands near the Houses of Parliament. The country’s leaders speak in the Houses of Parliament. The men and women there are the voice of the British people. The Houses of Parliament stand beside the river Thames. You can see Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament from Westminster Bridge. Tourists in London always want to visit Westminster and see Big Ben. They want to see the clock in its tower and to hear the bells. Big Ben is really a bell. It is a big bell. The bell weights 13 tons. The man who built Big Ben was very tall and workers and his friends called him Big Ben. So the English people called the bell Big Ben too. We are coming now to Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey is a historic building. It is a symbol of England. The legend says that Westminster Abbey was founded by St Peter himself. We know that Westminster Abbey was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British kings and queens takes place in Westminster Abbey. Some famous English people are also buried here. Westminster Abbey is a very beautiful building.Переведите пожалуйста

требуется грамотный перевод: When I called on Sherlock Holmes on the second morning after Christmas, he was lying on the sofa next to some newspa

pers. On a chair, there was a very dirty old hat and a magnifying glass.
I suppose,” I said:”that there is a story about that hat which will help so another mysterious crime.”
“There is no crime,” said Sherlock Holmes laughing.”Just a strange little incident. Peterson, the door attendant, found the hat. At about 4 o’clock in the morning, he was coming back from a party when he saw a tall carrying a goose. Suddenly, two thugs appeared. One pushed the man and the other thug tried to take the goose. Peterson went to protect the man, but saying some in uniform he dropped the goose and ran away. All the attacker disappeared so Peterson was left with both the goose and old hat. There was a card with the goose saying ”For the Mrs Henry Baker” and the initials ”H.B” inside the hat but there are a lot Henry Baker in London. Peter did not know what to do with either the hat all the goose so he brought both to me on Christmas morning. I kept the hat and Peterson had the goose for his Christmas dinner.”
“So can you find any clues about the man from this old hat?”
“What can you see,Watson?”
“Well,it is an ordinary black hat.The lining is made of red silk and there is no elastic.There is some dust on it and several spots.Someone has tried to cover all of the spots with ink,But I can not see any clues.”
“Well,Watson,the hat tells us a lot about the hat’s owner.He used to be quite rich but something must have happened to him,probably with drink.His wife no longer loves him.He is middle-aged with grey hair-which he has had cut recently.He does not do much exercise and he has not got gas in his house. ”
“You must be joking Holmes.How do you know all that information?”
“Elementary,my dear Watson.”
After that,Holmes explained all the clues about the hat to Watson. Then Peterson came into the room carrying an enormous diamond which his wife had found inside the goose.Holmes realized that this was the famous diamond stolen from a countess when she was staying at a London hotel .Two hotel servants had been involved.One was the butler,James Horner,a plumber.Horner had been working in the countess’room when Ryder noticed that the diamond had been stolen.Since then,Horner had been in prison for several days.Sherlock Holmes decided to asvertise for the goose and hat in the newspapers,That evening a man appeared;it was Baker.Baker did not know anything about the goose.They went there and saw a man,who turned out to be Ryder,the hotel butler,asking about the goose.Holmes invited him back to his house and when Holmes mentioned the diamond Ryder confessed that he had stolen it.After Horner’s arrest,Ryder had gone to his sister’s house to hide the diamond.There had been some geese in the garden and Ryder had put the diamond into its mouth and then asked his sister for this goose for Christmas.Later,he had taken the goose away and killed it there was no diamond as he had chosen the wrong goose!Holmes had enough proof to put Ryder into prison,but he decided to let the man go.In the end,Horner was released from the prison and the diamond returned to the countess.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple. 1. My working day (to begin) at seven o'clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to

do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o'clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o'clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk). 2. My sister (to get) up at eight o’clock. 3. She (to be) a schoolgirl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 4. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 5. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 6. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 7. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 8. She (to speak) French well Алексей Нарузов

НУЖЕН ЛИТЕРАТУРНЫЙ ПЕРЕВОД, СРОЧНО!!!!!!!!! We didn’t always live on Mango Street. Before that we lived on Loomis on the third floor, and before that we

lived on Keeler. Before Keeler it was Paulina, and before that I can’t remember. But what I remember most is moving a lot. Each time it seemed there’d be one more of us. By the time we got to Mango Street we were six—Mama, Papa, Carlos, Kiki, my sister Nenny and me. The house on Mango Street is ours, and we don’t have to pay rent to anybody, or share the yard with the people downstairs, or be careful not to make too much noise, and there isn’t a landlord banging on the ceiling with a broom. But even so, it’s not the house we’d thought we’d get. We had to leave the flat on Loomis quick. The water pipes broke and the landlord wouldn’t fix them because the house was too old. We had to leave fast. We were using the washroom next door and carrying water over in empty milk gallons. That’s why Mama and Papa looked for a house, and that’s why we moved into the house on Mango Street, far away on the other side of town.

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