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переделать в косвенные вопросы: 1. How many bones are there in your body? 2. How many muscles are there in your body? 3.What organs are there inside

5-9 класс

your body? 4. How much water is there in your body? 5. Which part of the body helps is think? 6. What protects our organs from drying up and getting harmful bacteria inside our body? 7. Which organ pushes the blood round the body? How many times a day does it beat?

Дождилька 16 нояб. 2014 г., 6:06:27 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 нояб. 2014 г., 8:45:00 (9 лет назад)

1. Teacher asked me how many bones in my body there were.

2. He asked me how many muscles in my body there were.

3. He asked me what organs inside my body there were.

4. He asked how much water in my body there was.

5. He asked which part of the body helped us to think.

6. He asked what protected our organs from drying up and getting harmful bacteria inside our body.

7. He asked which organ pushed the blood round the body.

8. He asked how many times a day it beat.

+ 0 -
16 нояб. 2014 г., 10:24:26 (9 лет назад)

1. Teacher asked me how many bones there in my body were.

2. He asked me how many muscles there in my body were.

3. He asked me what organs there inside my body were.

4. He asked how much water there in my body was.

5. He asked which part of the body helped us think.

6. He asked what protected our organs from drying up and getting harmful bacteria inside our body.

7. He asked which organ pushed the blood round the body. He asked how many times a day it beat?


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c) would
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3) What kind of books are there on the table?
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6) How many tables are there in your classroom?
7) Are there many chairs in this room?
8) How many chairs are there in this room?
9) What is there in your classroom?
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11) Were there many children in the theatre yesterday?
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16) How many pages are there in this book?

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are there of cinemas?

c) How many cinemas is it in this town?

d) How many cinemas are there in this town?

Поставь слово в нужную форму

1. I am not very energetic (energy) and I am completely useful (use) at sport.

2. It is dangerous (danger) to drive a car at night without any lights.

3. During a safari in Kenya last year, I saw the most fantastic (fantasy) animals.

4. One of the main attractive (attract) is horse-riding through the desert.

5. The popularity (popular) of this town is too crowed.

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