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My friend said that she me with my test

10-11 класс

CMaPT 27 апр. 2015 г., 5:24:16 (9 лет назад)
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27 апр. 2015 г., 7:43:45 (9 лет назад)

she would help me with my test


Другие вопросы из категории

Ребят помогите пожалуйста,очень срочно нужно!!! Написать сочинение(должно быть 5 абзацев).

Это тема:
Some people think that professional sport is too traumatic to be healthy, too demanding to be combined with good education and getting adequate social experience for children and teenagers to practice.

Составить предложение о комнате. There ..... two books..... the sofa. The sofa is ..... the window. There ..... a lamp

..... the television.

The telephone is ..... the lamp.

..... there any pictures on the wall?

Yes. ....................

There ..... a plant ..... the sofa in front of the window.

Is ..... a firepleace?

No, ..................

In Russia ( the Soviet Union ) hundreds of thousands of young people study at different medical institutes . They study numerous theoretical and

specialsubjects . They have prac tical training during which they do the work of nurses and assistant doctors . Such a course of studies helps them to gain much knowledge of medicine which will give them the possibility to diagnose different diseases and treat people . But medical students must remember that it is not easy to be a good doctor . A good doctor must have not only deep knowledge of a particular field of medicine such as surgery or therapy . He must love people and have a kind heart . He must give all his knowledge all his abilities all his talent and all his time to people to the protection of their healtn. One of the prominent Soviet therapeutists Prof . M . P . Kon - chalovsky considers that a person may be a poor writer he may be a bad painter or an actor but a man cannot and must not be a bad doctor . Medical students must understand well all the difficulties of their future proression . They must remember that often it will be difficult to diagnose a disease sometimes it will be even more difficult to cure it . But a good doctor will always do his best to gain his patient s confidence . And the confidence of a patient in his doctor is a valuable remedy . Did you hear about Hippocrates Oath before you entered the Institute ? What does it read ? It reads I shall enter any house for the good of the patient . I shall not do my patient any harm - nthese are the words from Hippocrates Oath . And they must be not only words for medical students . They must become the motto of their life . Medical students must remember that to treat patients is a great art but not an ordinary trade . It is one of the professions which requires a real calling for it. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА РУССКИМИ СЛОВАМИ НА АНГЛИССКОМ***

нужно перевести на английский 1. Добравшись до города,путешественники поехали в отель. 2.Получивши телеграму, он поехал на


3.Информация, которую собрали во время экспедиции, была отправлена в институт географии.

4.Услышавши голос этого мужчины, я подумал, что знаю его, но подойдя ближе, я понял, что ошибся.

5.Кто хочет отвечать другим?

6.Он пошел в своего одеда.

7. Эта книжка давно пользовалась спросом.

8.Директор этого заведения - человек с большим жизненным опытом.

9.Путешествие на север нашей страны очень много дала молодому ученому.

10. Первый день в школе был целым событием для мальчика.

Читайте также

1. mike said that he often (watch) TV 2. the people told me that the train (arrive) 3. mother said that she (cook) dinner 4. the postman said he (come)

earlier next time 5. mary said she (bring) flowers to school next day 6. ann said that she always (forget) grammar rules 7. we were sure that nick (spend) his holidays in the country

Change each sentence to direct speech a) She said that she was leaving at six. I’m leaving at six, she said b) Не said

Peter often went fishing. ……………………………………………, he said

c) She said she would be back later. ………………………………………….., she said

d) I said that I had just seen Mark . ……………………………………………., I said

e) Alan said that they had left at 6.00. …………………………………………, Alan said

f) Helen said that she was working. ……………………………………………, Helen said

g) I said that we were late. …………………………………………………………, I said

h) He said he would phone back. ………………………………………………., he said

i) David said that he felt all right. …………………………………………….., David said

j) She said she loved ice-cream. ………………………………………………., she said

Перевести в косвенную речь. My mother said to her son: "Buy some cheese and butter" The policeman said to Rick: "Don't cross the street under the red

light" "don't lie to me, Tom", said aunt Polly The man said to me: "Take tram number five" The doctor said to me: "Sit still and don't move your head" My friend said, " mr Winkle has a good memory" Our teacher said to us, "Books where first printed in the 15 th century" Kate said to me, "I can speak English fluently" Mother said to her son, " you will go abroad next month" Tom said, " I can read books on cd these days" Oleg said to his sister, "I saw your friend at the library yesterday" Ann said, " my friends where in the far east two years ago" Jane said to Mike, " I will marry you" Helen said, " Nick invited me to dinner" She said, " I have met my classmates these days"

Определите время действия в придаточном предложении по отношению к главному: They said that the surgeon had already operated

the patient.
It was noticed that those drugs reduced the risk of reinfection
The doctor said she had already made an order for the X-ray examination.
There was no evidence that the disease would spread.
She said that she wanted to be a dentist.
We did not know whether the seed had been brought to the fields.
It was clear that they knew all the facts and were acting accordingly.
We thought about the mistake that he had made.
He said that he had been ill.
She said that her Father was ill.
The professor said that nobody had come to the lecture.
He prescribed me the drug that would relieve an acute pain.
I knew that researchers had found a new virus.
I knew that researchers had found a new virus.
He told me that he would not smoke so much.
He stuck to the belief which had been found wrong.
learned twenty words which I had found in the text.
I saw that the girl was very beautiful.

Помогите пожалуйста кто хорошо владеет английским. 8-9 класс. Тут есть ошибки? The most important "first time"

for me was when I learned how to drive a motorbike. It was very important for me because all my friends were using and i couldn't. My friend were laughing at me because i had some problems with launching the vehicle so i was nervous and when i finally did i it I didnt know what to do and it turned off. My friend showed me once again how o do it and after few minutes i already knew how to launch a motor. The next steps in my driving lessons were easy so learned very fast almost everything. Finnaly my friend said that i should try o drive on my own I was scared but i said "ok". I launched my vehikle once again and I just started to driving I was shocked but i felt realy great. He was trying to run after me but i was driving too fast and when I relased im so far i turned back and drived back to him. after everythiing i was very proud and i wanted to do this again but it was late so he game me a lift to home. That day was awsome.

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