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Read and answer.

1-4 класс

Aunt Polly is a mechanic. She works at a garage in Stonebridge. Aunt Polly wears a uniform when she works. She fixes cars. A lot of people take cars to her garage. I think my aunt Polly is great!

e.g. What does Aunt Polly do?
She~s a mechanic.
1 Where does she work?
2 Where is the garage?
3 Does she wear a uniform at work?
4 Does she fix bikes?

Now i can ...
1 talk about buildings & jobs
2 talk about activities
3 tell the time
4 write about a relative

кискам 29 нояб. 2014 г., 21:06:06 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 нояб. 2014 г., 22:55:30 (9 лет назад)

1.At the garage.
2.In the Stonebridge.
4.No, she fix cars.


Другие вопросы из категории

Answer the following questions

1. Why have many species of birds and animals disappeared?
2. What is the air polluted by :
3. Are rivers polluted?
4. Why are forests disappearing all over the world?
5. Can you see pollution at the seaside?
6. People are in danger, arent they?
7. What are the most serious environmental problem now ?
8. Did you learn anything from the text ? What?


A Wolf saw a Sheep by a small river and wanted to eat him. He shouted, "I cant drink this dirty water! It is very dirty! You have made the water dirty. You put your dirty feet into the water!" "No, I didn't make it dirty, " the Sheep answered. "I didn't put my feet into the water. I drink with my mouth and not with my feet. Look! My feet are not in the water." "Ok. Then it was last year. You put your feet into the water last year!" the Wolf shouted. "And you made the water dirty." "But I am only four months old," the Sheep said. "How cold I put my feet into the river a year ago?" "If it was not you, then it was your brother or your father, " the Wolf shouted and jumped on the poor Sheep. But the Sheep ran away. And the Wolf fell into the water.

Читайте также

Read and answer. 1.Do you like rice?. 2.Does your dad come home at five in afternoon?. 3.Does your family drink Coke?. 4.Do your friends play basketball?.

5.Does your granpa watch cartoons?. 6.Does yourn dog eat carrots?. 7. Do your read English stories?. 8.Do your like drawing pictures?.

1) Read and write.(прочитать и записать)

we visited( visit) our grandmother last Sunday.
I.............. (talk) to my friend last night.
The children.......... (play) a game two hours ago.
I............... (phohe) Mark yesterday.
We........ (travel) to Spain last summer.
Sue........ (help) me with my homework yesterday.
We........ (paint) our house five days ago.
They........ (watch) a really good film yesterday.
2)Read and complete.(прочитайте и завершите)

Read and decide if the statements are true, false or nothing is known from the text

Maps were made long before reading and writing were invented. The earliest map that we know of is a cave painting on the Lascaux caves in France. The painting shows a part of the summer night’s sky 16500 years ago. Modern astronomers can still understand the night sky shown in the map. A four thousand year old map made by the Ba¬bylonians is still in existence. Many ancient map-makers thought that the world was flat, but explorers like Magel¬lan in the 15th century sailed around the world and helped to make better maps. Besides, measurements taken by satel¬lites show that our planet Is slightly pear-shaped. Satellites have also provided more accurate Information and have helped to see and map parts of the world that were lit¬tle known or never seen by humans before. Satellites have photographed the Amazon rainforest and have shown that the area the size of twenty football pitches is being cut down every minute. Pictures taken from space have also shown that one of the world's largest areas of inland water, the Aral Sea, has been shrinking very quickly. Modern satel¬lite maps show the effects of global warming and pollution and help us to understand the world around us better. More and more drivers nowadays rely on satellite navigation in their cars so the traditional road maps may not be around much longer.

Read and fill in. 1 big - bigger 2 happy - 3 nice - 4 tall - 5 fat -

Read and fill in. 1 big - bigger 2 happy - 3 nice - 4 tall - 5 fat - 6 small - 7 clever - 8 funny - 9 short - 10 thin - 11 slim - 12 fast -

Cрочно нужно.

Read and answer.

Aunt Polly is a mechanic. She works at a garage in Stonebrisge. Aunt Polly wears a uniform whenm she works. She fixes car. A lot of people take their cars to her garage. I think my aunt Polly is great!

e.g. What does Aunt Polly do?
She`s a mechanic.

1. Where does she woork?
2. Where is the garage?
3. Does she wear a uniform at woork?
4. Does she fix bikes?

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