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Преобразуйте в Indirect questions.

10-11 класс

1. Is the post office open?
Do you know ________?
2. What time does the match start?
Do you know ________?
3. Why has Leo gone home?
Do you know ________?
4. Where did i put my mobile phone?
Do you know ________?

и здесь просто раскройте Pr.Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect
Years ago shells __(use) as money by a lot of north americans
Since 1999, the euro __(introduce) in most eur. countries
Every year, a lot of old coins __ (buy and sell) on the internet

Tulepova2000 27 февр. 2015 г., 0:34:54 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 февр. 2015 г., 2:56:29 (9 лет назад)

1. Do you know if the post office is open
2. Do you know what time the match starts
3. Do you know why Leo has gone home
4. Do you know where I put my mobile phone

Years ago shells were used as money by a lot of north americans
Since 1999, the euro has been introduced in most eur. countries
Every year, a lot of old coins are bought and sold on the internet


Другие вопросы из категории

Употребите правильную форму глагола в Passive Voice.

1) You (advise) to wear sensible high boots in winter.
2) Radio "Europe Plus" (listen to) all over Russia.
3)This delicious dish (prepare) by an Italian cook.

какое слово неправильное?

The window of (1) my room face (2) the north(3).
Do (1)your grandparents live with you, don't (2) they(3)?
It (1)usually isn't(2) snow(3) in summer in our region.
It's (1) half past (2) three on(3) my watch.

Complete the sentences in reported speech
Hurry,hurry,Come and see!Today there s a party,Just for me!With burgers,biscuitsAnd bananas too!There s lots to eatFor me and you!Pizza,chipsAnd

sandwiches!And candless on a cakeTo make a wish! Напишите транскрипцию к словам

Читайте также

Complete the sentences containing the Indirect questions. Choose, make up sentences and translate it: I am not sure ___________________. a. where do you

live b. where you live Jackie is wondering ______________. a. whether she got the job b. did she got the job. Could you tell me ________________? a. why Fred was fired b. why was Fred fired 3. Find the Participles, comment on their forms, functions, and translate the sentences: He has bought a used car. Whistling Tom left the room. The advertised merchandise was not available at the store. The fence surrounding the garden is newly painted.

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ! Сдавать уже надо, а я чего то сообразить не могу. Ответ отмече Лучшим. Make new sentences from these

questions (Indirect questions).

1. What does that sign mean?
I wonder...

2. Where did you buy your computer?
Can’t you remember...?

3. Where does Dan go?
Have you got any idea...?

4. Why were you crying?
I want to know....

5. Where is the railway station?
Could you tell me ...?

6. How much does it cost to park here?
Do you know...?

7. Where can I book the ticket?

I wonder...?

8. What qualifications do I need?
Could you tell me ...?

9. Why isn’t Frank here yet?
Have you got any idea...?

10. When was Florida discovered?
Do you know...?

Преобразуйте предложения в вопросительные.

1. They went on an excursion last Sunday.
2. The excursion was very interesting.
3. The guide told the tourists a lot of interesting things.
4. The tourists were from England.
5. Three of them spoke Russian.
6. They asked a lot of questions about the history of Moscow.
7. The guide answered all their questions.
8. The tourists wanted to go to St.Petersburg too.
9. The guide promised to show St.Petersburg to them.
10. The tourists invited the Russian guide to visit London.

Упражнения «Simple Tenses» - Present Simple

I. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросительные и отри¬ цательные:
1. Не knows the answer to this question. 2. He leaves home at eight o'clock. 3. The last train arrives at midnight. 4. It is important to choose a good job. 5. They refuse to help us. 6. This job suits his abilities well enough.
II. Употребите глагол в третьем лице единственного числа, пользуясь образцом: I think I 'm right. - Не thinks he is right.
1. I always keep my problems to myself. 2. What do they do for a living? They work in an office. 3. I don't think I'm right. 4. We always examine facts carefully. 5. They refuse to do what is called low work. 6. Teachers are well aware that their work is necessary to society. 7. You often speak too fast. 8. Don't you see that your work is very important to us?
III. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в the Simple Present Tense:
1. I generally (to get up) at 8 o'clock. 2. Our lecturer (to speak) very good English. 3. He (to be) always in a hurry. 4. In Britain today, all children (to start) their education at the age of five. 5. She (to plan) to go to Britain next month. 6. Uranus (to revolve) around the Sun once in 84 years. 7. Students' delegation (to arrive) tomorrow. 8. The Prime Minister of Britain always (to live) in 10 Downing Street. I always get up at 7 a.m.. I do not always get up at 7 a.m.. Do you always get up at 7 a.m.? She usually quarrels on trifles. She does not usually quarrel on trifles. Does she usually quarrel on trifles?9. Children whose parents (to read) a great deal usually (to become) good readers themselves. 10.Some readers (to avoid) books on the best-seller list

Two of the interviewer's questions were "how do you think your friends would describe you" and "what do you appreciate most about your friendships?" how

would you answer these questions

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