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Помогите пожалуйста написать достойное сочинение на тему " every flower means the whole field of paradise" ..... очень нужно ((((

10-11 класс

Dashakruk97 06 марта 2015 г., 11:17:30 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 марта 2015 г., 14:13:28 (9 лет назад)


 The most beautiful thing in the world are flowers. Their beauty and smell make us enjoy life. Especially only thin and delicate people love them. 




 Since time immemorial flowers have been favorite subjects of artists. Until our century has preserved many pictures which depict many flowers. They are like the soul the person can be bright or dim. Also, each flower has its own flavor. Each person in the flower may see something different. Some people look and can see nothing, some can see the sunshine, some just a person, some the person’s soul, some the way to paradise.



 As for me flowers can be associated with forgiveness and love. Because often they are given as a sign of love and forgiveness. Everyone  in his heart  knows  that each flower makes the whole field especially beautiful and uniqued like paradise. 


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