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проверьте пожалуйста я правильно сделала или нет? если нет, то исправьте ошибки, спасибо

10-11 класс

Devochkauuu 11 сент. 2014 г., 21:44:28 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 сент. 2014 г., 23:13:09 (9 лет назад)


+ 0 -
12 сент. 2014 г., 2:03:01 (9 лет назад)

все правильно
не беспокойся 
я тебе гарантирую 


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Переведите на английский язык текст,пожалуйста. С соблюдением всех грамматических норм и правил.

Случилось это в парке. Время приближалось к вечеру. Сильный ветер из стороны в сторону покачивал деревья. Юная девушка шла домой и о чем-то увлеченно думала. Вдруг она услышала,как сзади нее раздался громкий странный звук,затем появилась яркая вспышка света. Она обернулась и увидела существо,похожее на дракона. Ее охватил страх и испуг. Она закричала и стала убегать. Люди,что были вокруг, смотрели на нее с удивлением. Прибежала она домой и с тех пор поклялась,что пить больше никогда не будет.

в каких случаях i в каких im
Ребят помогите пожалуйста! Complete the sentences. Use there is / are; there isn't / aren't. 1. _____ a lot of parks in


2. _____ a garden near my love.

3. _____ your daughter's picture in the newspapers.

4. _____ any banks in this place.

5. _____ much kitchen equipment in my flat.

6. _____ 3 people in our family.

7. _____ many old houses in this city.

8. _____ 7 days in a week.

9. _____ a computer on my desk in the office.

10. _____ a sports centre near my friend's house.

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Помогите или подскажите пожалуйста как правильно сделать?

Задайте 4 типа вопроса ко всему тексту:
1) общий вопрос;
2) специальный вопрос;
3) альтернативный;
4) разделительный;


The colour of petroleum varies from light yellow to red, while some very dark grades are opaque. The higher the specific gravity, the darker the oil.
The nature and composition of crude oil usually determines its odour. Unsaturated hydrocarbons, sulphur and certain nitrogen compounds are responsible for disagreeable odours. Crude petroleum from the USSR, Rumania and California has an aromatic odour. Pennsylvania petroleum has an agreeable gasoline-like odour. Other oils vary in odour depending on the quantity of light hydrocarbons present in the oil, and of the impurities present. The petroleum from South Texas and Mexico has a strong disagreeable odour, due to hydrogen sulphide and other sulphur compounds. Petroleum is lighter than water. The specific gravity is influenced by physical factors and by the chemical composition of the crude oil. It varies from 0.7684 to 0.992.
The viscosity, or the measure of the resistance to flow, is an important factor with lubricating oils. Crude petroleums are quite different in viscosity. Some are very mobile, while others, like Mexican crude, are quite viscid. Heavy petroleum in general is composed to a large extent of these hydrocarbons. The viscosity increases with the density. The viscosities of oils of the same specific gravity, but from different sources, are not always the same. This is due to the difference in chemical composition.

Правильный перевод или нет?!,Проверьте буду благодарна: My best day was in the new year with my parents when I went in the evening in the Park pobedy. and

we have been preparing for the new year. We have made different dishes and salads, and when we started to prepare I helped MOM. it was all well and good to us was my girlfriend, her name is Lisa ... we played until the evening, and my mother was cooking.

III. Вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необ¬ходимо.

1. What were George's reasons ... giving ... his job?
2. I heard this news ... Monday morning ... the radio.
3. They reached ... the lake ... foot and then continued their trip ... car.
III. Вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необ¬ходимо.
1. We expect him to arrive ... the hotel ... Sunday morning.
2. His illness is getting worse and I am afraid he'll have to go ... hospital ... an operation ... a week or so.
3. I was pleased ... his reaction ... what I said.
III. Вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необхо¬димо.
1. They arrived ... London ... the 14th ... April and left ... Oxford ... June. They will be back only ... a month.
2. What was the reason ... his absence?
III. Вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необ¬ходимо.
1. It doesn't matter ... me if we go out ... dinner or eat at home.
2. We are going ... holiday ... next month and I am looking forward ... it.
3. I apologized ... Ann ... keeping her late.
III. Вставьте правильный предлог или послеслог, где не¬обходимо.
1. Who is responsible in your family ... washing the dishes ... dinner?
2. Jane has been interested ... ancient history ... her first year ... college.
3. My coat is similar ... yours but different ... Ben's.

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