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Draw the table with three columns in your notebook. Copy these words in the correct boxes 1 places 2 jobs 3 actions at school, swimming,

1-4 класс

doctor, teacher, in the garden, studying, in the street, watching TV,

Winx10 30 дек. 2014 г., 19:58:19 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 дек. 2014 г., 20:34:28 (9 лет назад)

1) at school, in the garden, in the street.
2) doctor, teacher
3) swimming, studying, watching Tv


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1) Read the magazine article below and fill in the gaps with one of the words from the list below. Then close your books and talk about the qualities

of a good babysitter.

common sense, bossy, sensibly, trustworthy, responsibility, enthusiastic, entertainer, relaxed, discipline, reliable, patience

What Makes a Good Babysitter?

When I was at school, I used to do a lot of babysitting at the weekends to earn a bit of extra pocket money. Most of the work I did was for family friends who had young children, and knew that I could cope with the

1)_________________ of looking after their kids I think one of the most important qualities of a good

babysitter is 2)_____________________ - you shouldn't get angry or

annoyed, but just stay calm in all situations. I suppose how you deal with anything is just a matter of 3)

_____________________ ; if there's a problem you just have to deal with it 4)____________________________ and use

your brain! I was always firm with the children but never 5) ____________________ because 1 don't

think you get anywhere with them if you keep on telling them to do things when it's unnec-essary. I tried to

be 6)_____________________ with them; I didn't make too many rules, because that way we all enjoyed

ourselves, and they always looked forward to me coming. Obviously a certain amount of 7)

_____________________ is needed, as you don't want them running roimd the house out of control. I'm a bit of

a(n) 8)____________________ when it comes to looking after kids; I like to make

them laugh. We always sang a few songs and played a few games. I always tried to appear 9)

_____________________ and interested in what they were doing as this helped them become confident, The

most important quality for a babysitter, as far as the parents are concerned, is that you are

___________________ 10) They are leaving you alone in their house with their children, and so they

really have to be able to trust you. Of course you have to be 11) __ ; it wouldn't be

much good if they couldn't depend on you to get there on time every time,

перевод текста It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers. In one of its towers there is one of the largest bells in the world. The centre

of London is Trafalgar Sguare. Some people say it is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of the sguare stands a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson.Four bronze lions loor at the sguare from the monument. There are two beautiful fountains in the sguare. They are in front of the National Gallery which is one of the best picture galleries of the world. Every day many tourists visit this fine building with tall columns.

помогите вставить слова is или are 1) there .... a nice woman in the kitchen.2) ....there an old armchair in Tiny's house?yes ,there... 3) there ....five

shelves with interesting books in his room 4) there.... no clocks in the living room 5) there ..... a sofa ,a table and three chairs in the living room

вставь пропущеные слова is или are 1) There ... a nice woman in the kitchen . 2).... There an old armchair in Tiny"s house ? 3)There .... five shelves

with interesting books in his room . 4) There .... no clocks in the living room / 5) There .... a sofa , a table and three chairs in the living room .

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