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Помогите пожалуйста! Read and do the puzzle. Then puzzle your friends. Once there lived a millipede

1-4 класс

Onse upon a time there was a little brown millipede called Mel. It was very little,only two centimetres long. Its body had six segments and there were two left legs and two right legs on each segment. It lived under a big leaf in the old greenhouse. It's a place where you can grow flowers and fruit when it's cold outside. The millipede was always hungry. And it liked to eat leaves, flowers, and apples from the apple tree next to the greenhouse. Sometimes it even ate bananas when the boy from the big house left them on the garden table. Once she found a big orange on the chair near the swimming pool. Yummy! Very soon the millipede's body grew bigger. It had twelve segments and wasn't little any more- it was four centimetres long!

Анечка1304 25 марта 2015 г., 22:20:30 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 марта 2015 г., 22:58:59 (9 лет назад)

twelve segments
four legs


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æ] [e]
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Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences(the Present perfect,

the Present simple, the Present continuous)

…… (be) busy now. I ….(do) my homework.

can help you. I …(be) free now. I ….(do) my homework.

Little Johnny … (wash) his bike. He is funny, isn’t he?

Johnny ….(wash) his bike. Now the bike ….(be) clean.

…..(learn) the new words now.

….(learn) the words and I can go with you.

…..(read) the story. I think I can answer your questions about it.

… (read) the story now. We can discuss it later.

….(be) busy. She ….(buy) a present for her sister.

…(buy) a present for her sister. She can go to the bookshop now.

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Помогите, пожалуйста по английскому. Задание: Look, read and complete the sentence. Use IS or ARE. Then answer the questions:

1) .... they sad?
2) ... the girl on the table?
3) ... the boy in the tree?
4) ... the dog brown?
Помогите пожалуйста!!!

Read the sentences,fill in the missing words and do the crossword.Then write the secret word. 1.T-Rex ___________on two legs.2.Diplodocus __________145

million years ago.3.T-Rex had a huge head and a strong ___________.4.Spinosaurus _____walk on its legs and sometimes its arms.5.Diplodocus ______ leaves from the trees.7.Riojasaurus couldn't ________ on its back legs.8.T-Rex had very ____________ teeth. Это про динозавров.Помоги срочно!

Read the sentences,fill in the missing words and do the crossword.Then write the secret word. 1.T-Rex ___________on two legs.2.Diplodocus

__________145 million years ago.3.T-Rex had a huge head and a strong ___________.4.Spinosaurus _____walk on its legs and sometimes its arms.5.Diplodocus ______ leaves from the trees.7.Riojasaurus couldn't ________ on its back legs.8.T-Rex had very ____________ teeth. Это про динозавров.Помоги срочно!

Помогите пожалуйста. Нужно срочно((Read and find the password.1. It's the first letter in картинка "ежик"

2. It's third letter in картинка "самокат"
3. It's the tenth letter in картинка "скакалка"
4. It's the eighth letter in картинка "удочка в пруду"
5. It's the sixth letter in картинка "мяч"
6. It's the ninth letter in картинка "бабочка"
Помогите пожалуйста нужно срочно.

Помогите пожалуйста нужен перевод:

Tom:Father,our teacher does not know what a horse is.
Father:Why do you think so,Tom?
Tom:You know,i drew a horse yesterday and showed it to the teacher.And he asked me what is was.
Harry:Will you be angry with a boy for somethind he didn t do?
Father:Of course,not.
Harry:Thats good.I didn t do my howework
Father:Bob,why don t you wash your fase?I can see what you had for breakfast this morning.
Bob:What was it?
Father:Eggs,I think .
Bob:No Sir.That was yesterday!
Mike:Tom, your father is a teacher and you cannot read and write.
Tom:Listen,Mike,your father is a dostor.And your little

brother has no teeth

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