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Выберите правильную форму глагола.

5-9 класс

a)They have seen / saw the tower "Baiterek".
b)They saw /have seen the concert last week.
c)They love Rock and Roll.I like/ have liked it all my life.
d)They bought / have bought a lot of interesting books after the concert.
e)They stayed / have stayed in Astana since October.
f)They know / have known each other for 5 years.
g)When did they go / have they gone to Astana?
h)Dmitry went / has gone to Astana 3 months ago.
j)Omar lived / has lived there for 5 months.
Выберите правильную форму глагола.
a) Они видели / видел башню "Baiterek".
b) Они видели, что / видел концерт на прошлой неделе.
c) Они любят Рок-н-ролл. Мне нравится/, любили все это моя жизнь.
d) Они купили / купили много интересных книг после концерта.
e) Они остались / остались в Астане с октября.
f) Они знают / знали друг друга в течение 5 лет.
g) Когда они шли / они пошли в Астану?
h) Дмитрий пошел / пошел в Астану 3 месяца назад.
j) Омар жил / жил там в течение 5 месяцев.

Tatardimon 27 июля 2013 г., 17:54:04 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 июля 2013 г., 19:35:58 (10 лет назад)

a) have seen
b) saw
c) have liked
d) bought
e) have stayed
f) have known
g) did they go
h) went
I) lived

+ 0 -
27 июля 2013 г., 20:12:52 (10 лет назад)

a) They have seen the tower "Baiterek".
b) They saw the concert last week.
c) They love Rock and Roll. I like it all my life.
d) They bought a lot of interesting books after the concert.
e) They have stayed in Astana since October.
f) They have known each other for 5 years.
g) When did they go to Astana?
h) Dmitry went to Astana 3 months ago.
j) Omar has lived there for 5 months


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Читайте также

1. Употребите глаголы во второй форме (Past Simple). Jump Help Like Dive Shout do go skate








2. Выбери правильную форму глагола was или were.

There_____ two tables in the bedroom.

Mary _____ tall and slim.

The dog ___ sad and andry.

The week ___ stormy and cloudy.

№1 вставьте верную форму глагола в следующее предложение

.......you usually ..... at 7 o`clock in the morning ?
A)Does ..... get up
B)Does ..... get up
C)Do .....get up
D)Did .....get up
№2 в какой степени сравнение стоят следующие прилагательные
the best ,the hottest , the oldest , the longest .
A) в положительной
B) в сравнительной
C) в простой
D) в превосходной
№3 вставьте правильную форму глагола в следующие предложение
The boes...... good at school

Будте добры помогите с заданием! Я вообще не понимаю, а от этой работы зависит четверная оценка* 2.Поставьте глагол в скобках

в нужную форму. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1)They (live) in Minsk for 10 years. 2)I (not have) any English lessons this month. My teacher (be) ill since February 3) She (work) for this company since 1993. 4)Look! Somebody (come) 5)I (hear) this song lately.

3. Выберите правильную форму глагола

- Hi, Linda! I haven’t seen you/haven’t been seeing you for ages

- Hi, Peter! It’s great to see you!

-What have you been doing/ have you done?

- I have been getting ready/ have got ready for my music school exams since July.

- Oh, that’s really important. Do you have a piano?

-Yes, I have been having / have had one all my life. My mother has played it / played it when she was young.

- Well, good luck to you, Linda. I have to go now. Bye-bye

- Bye .

Помогите с тестом по английскому!Пожалуйста... 1)Выберите верный вариант ответа. A mathematicians is a person ... maths.

A)That study B)who study C)who studies E)which studies

2)Выберите глагол в "Present Continuous"

A)Are playing B)Has been playing C)Were played D)Are being played E)Will be playing

3)Выразите одним словом:

Containing a small number of calories:

A)High-calorie B)Calorious C)Low-calorie D)Fatless C)Caloriless

4)Верны вариант:

We have lived in Almaty ... 5years

A)in B)when C)yet D)since E)for

5)Выберите правильную форму глагола:

I ... for my friend. He is late.

A)wait B)am waiting C)were waiting D)waiting E)Had waited

6)Правильно построенное предложение:

А)Does his mother cooks tasty? B) Is his mother tasty?

C)Does his mother cook tasty? D)Has his mother cook tasty? E)Has his mother cook tasty?

7)Правильная форма глагола:

I think I'LL buy these shoes. They ... really well.

A)fitted B)Fit C) are fitting D)were fitting E)have fit

8)Дополните предложение

Wiliam Fry found that launghter increases blood ....

A)amount B)number C)rate D)pressure E)breathe

9)Выберите правильную форму глагола:

My sister ... being late for the classes.

A)To not like B)didn't liked C)does't like D)not likes E)isn't liking

10) Выберите верный вариант идиомы:

During summer holidays Marat had ... to go in for sports.

A)apple of his eyes B)time on his hands C)a sweet tooth D)button his lip

E)on the tip of his tongue

11)We ... to Astana for our holidays last year.

A)goes B)going C)have gone D)gone E)went

12) Образуйте прилагательное от слова "Pain" при помощи суфикса,,,

A)-ly B)-ous C)-ful D)ial E)ent

13)"... you... to London?'' "Yes, I ..."

A)Had/be/haven't B)Has/been/have C)Have/be/have D)Have/been/have E)Had/be/had

14)The children .... when their parents came home.

A)Was sleeping B)Were slept C)were sleeping D)slept E)are sleeping

15)Вставьте правильный вариант глагола "To be"

Asel ... at the party yesterday.

A)was B)isn't C)is D)to be E)was being

16)We .... the stetion by 5 o'clock yesterday.

A)shall reach B)were reaching C)had reached D)reached E)would reach

17)Правильно составленное слово

A)Intertainment B)Entertainment C)Intertaiment D)Entertainment E)Interteinment


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