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Who is the best lawyer in town?

10-11 класс

henry brown, when he's sober.
and who is the second best lawyer in town?
henry brown, when he's drunk.

Переведите пожалуйста в косвенную речь, за ранее спасибо!

Lizka2314 27 марта 2014 г., 18:09:46 (10 лет назад)
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27 марта 2014 г., 19:10:34 (10 лет назад)

Who was the best lawyer in town
henry brown, when he was sober


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Add the tag endings:

1) He invited his friends to his place,...
2)Alce has won a funny prize in the show, ...
3)The brothers dont get along with their parents, ...
4)He isnt watching baby animals at the zoo, ...
5)The city is famous for its museums, ...
6)Defoe didnt write the book for children, ...
7) The poor girl takes care of her sick mother, ...
8)The students havent arranged a date and time, ...
9)My sister can speak and read German well, ...
10)We are not going to arrange the picnic, ...

Помогите пожалуйста заполнить пропуски. Rebecca lives in London and works in public relations.

She leaves home for work at 7.30 am. She drives... work

Какой слог является ударным?

1) photograph

a) 2 b) 3 c)1, 2 d) 1

2) area

a) 1 b) 2

3) environment

a) 2 b) 3 c)2 d) 4

4) reciprocity

a) 2 b) 3 c) 1, 3 d) 2,4

5) colleague

a) 1 b) 2

6) pronunciation

a) 4 b)2 c)1, 4 d) 2, 4

7) valuable

a) 2 b) 1

8) barbiturate

a) 1 b) 3 c) 2 d) 4

9) Caucasus

a)1 b) 2 c) 3

10) electoral

a) 4 b) 1 c) 3 d) 2

Читайте также

можно перевод,а то совсем не успеваю( New York is the largest city in the United States and one of the largest in the world. It is in the southeastern

corner of New York State, where the Hudson River empties into the Atlantic Ocean. Five towns joined together make up the city of New York. The town of Manhattan takes up Manhattan Island. The Bronx, another town, is on the mainland, north of Manhattan and Queens. The fifth town, Staten Island, is in New York Bay. Beginning in the 1880s, great numbers of Europeans moved to the United States. Many of them landed first in Statue of Liberty as they antered New York Bay. The “Big Apple”, as New York City is nicknamed, has an energy that few other cities can equal. John F. Kennedy International Airport is one of the busiest in the world. More ships come into New York’s harbour than into any other port in the world. The city is a leading many Factoring center. It’s chief industries are clothing, printing and publishing. New York can be called the financial capital of the world. The United Nations has it’s headquarters in Manhattan. New York is a great cultural and educational center, too. It is the art, music and drama capital of the United States. It is museums, art galleries, libraries, zoos, and botanical gardens are world famous. If you want to have a good view of New York City, you can do it from the top of the World Trade Center (110 stories) or from the Empire State Building (102 stories). You can see the newest plays and shows on Broadway. If you are interested in art, you should visit the famous Metropolitan Art Museum. If you want to sit quietly and people-watch, you should go to one of the city’s many parks. The largest of them is Central Park

Пожалуйста помогите ответить на вопросы))..хотя бы парочку ))...заранее спасибо)) 1. Imagine you are speaking at the environmental meeting in

our school. Say whether you are ecologically-conscious person or not and what you do to protect the environment.

2. Do you agree that everybody must take care of nature?

3. What is the ecological situation in our town (city/village) like? (Я живу в Бресте., Белаурусь)

4. What questions would you ask a famous scientist who tries to find the ways to solve environmental problems?

5. What would you say to a person who is indifferent to the environmental problems?


1. Представьте, что вы говорите на экологические встречи в нашей школе. Скажите ли вы экологически сознательный человек или нет, а то, что вы делаете, чтобы защитить окружающую среду.

2. Согласны ли вы, что каждый должен заботиться о природе?

3. Что такое экологическая ситуация в нашем городе (город / село), как? (Я живу в Бресте., Белаурусь)

4. Какие вопросы вы бы попросили известного ученого, который пытается найти пути решения экологических проблем?

5. Что бы вы сказали человеку, который равнодушен к проблемам окружающей среды?

Помогите перевести текст-The Russian Federation is the largest county in the void, it occupies about 1/7(one-seventh) of the Earth strace The county is

situated in Eastern Europe, Northern and Central Asia. its total area is over 17 mil. lion square kilometres. The Russian Federation swashed ly 12 three oceans the le. seas o tie, the Atlantic and the Pacific in the south and in the west the county borders on foureen countries it sea-border ith the USA. also has a There le no countries in the world where such great taney ofпоra a and launa can be found as in our land our ounty has numerous bests. plains and steppes, laga md tundra, highlands and desers The highest mountains in orland are the Altai, the Urals and the Caucasus Thereare over two thousand rivёвn the Russian Federation. The longest of them are the Volga, the Ob', the Yenisei, the L.ena and the Amur our land is also rich in lakes ith the deepest lake in the world the Baikal, included.The territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 11 time zones. The climate conditions are rather different: from arctic and moderate to continental and subtropical. Our country is one of the richest in natural resources countries in the world: oil, natural gas, coal, different ores, fer- rous and non-ferrous metals and other minerals. The Russian Federation is a multinational state. It comprises many national districts, several autonomous republics and regions. he popula- tion of the country is about 140 million people Moscow, the capital of Russian Federation, is the largest political. scientific, cultural and industnal center of the country and one of the most beautiful cities on the globe. Russian is the official language of the state. The national symbols ofthe Russian Federation are awhite-blue-red ban. ner and a double-headed eagle The Russian Federation is a constitutional republic headed by the president. The country govemment consists of three branches: legisla- tive, executive and judicial. The President controls only the executive the government, but not the Supreme Court and Fed branch of eral A The legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly comprising two chambers: the Council of Federation(upper Chamber) and the State Duma(lower Chamber. Each chamber is headed by the Speaker The ex- ecutive power belongs to the govemment(the Cabinet of Ministers) headed by the Prime Minister The judicial power belongs to the system of Courts comprising the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and ederal courts. Our country has a multiparty system. The foreign policy of the Russian Federation is that of international cooperation, peace and friendship with all nations irrespective of theirpo. litical and social systems.

Who is it? 1)From the time of her marriage to the Prince of Wales in 1981 until her death in a car accident in Paris in 1997, She was one of the

world's most high-profile, most photographed, and most iconic celebrities.

2)He was a politician, a soldier, an artist, and the 20th century's most famous and celebrated Prime Minister.

3)He was a musician and composer who was a member of the Beatles, the biggest rock band of the 1960s.

4)He was a British naturalist of the nineteenth century. He and others developed the theory of evolution. This theory forms the basis for the modern life sciences. His most famous books are 'The Origin of Species' and 'The Descent of Man'.

5)He was a military, political, and religious figure who led the Parliamentarian victory in the English Civil War (1642–1649) and called for the execution of Charles I. He was Lord Protector of England for much of the 1650s, ruling in place of the country's traditional monarchy.

. Do you often take a bus I Trolley-bus / taxi I the metro I tram? 2. How do you go to your plant / office / institute? 3. Is there much traffic in

your town? 4. How can you get from your home to the nearest railway station? 5. How long does it take you to get there? 6. What are the things the pedestrians must remember to be safe and sound? 7. In what countries does one keep to the left when driving? 8. Which is the busiest street in your town / city? 9. What’s kind of vehicles do you see there? 10. What's the bus fare in your town?

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