Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

1) This is mu fish. Its/Your name is Bubbles. (вставить Its или Your ?)

1-4 класс

2) She/Her name is Lulu. (вставить She или Her?)
3) Тhis is my father. Her/His name is Roger. (вствавить Her или His?)
4) Look at its/our friends, Pako and Maya! (вставить its или our?)
5) This is my grandmother. Her/His name is Anna. (вставить Her или His?)

Yana111004 10 авг. 2014 г., 21:45:59 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 авг. 2014 г., 22:49:54 (9 лет назад)

1) Its
2) Her
3) His
4) our
5) Her


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описать картинку:девока и мальчик держась за руки идут по воде.Девочка одета в шорты в цветочек и желтую майку у нее в руке сумочка в форме клубники.она в

солнцезащитных очках.Мальчик одет в бриджи красного цета и синию футболку.На голове у мальчика красная бейсболка.В руке он держит ведро желтого цвета.Они идут по воде и весело разговаривают.

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My name'is tanya.i'm seven.i'm from america.i've got brown eyes.I've got a mum, a dad, a big sister and a baby brother. This is my mum. Her name's

Melissa.She's beautiful. This is my dad. His name's Oliver. He's nice. This is my sister.Her name's Sonya,She's ten.She's got fair hair and brown eyes.This is my brother.His name's Danny.He's one.He's funny.

Перевести на русский язык текст. Hi! My name is Jane. I am eight.My home city is London. It is a very nice place. This is my mum. Her name is Gabby .She

is in her room. She is busy . This is my dad. His name is Derek. He is in his office. This is my best friend. Her name is Linda. She is with her cat.

! 1. This is the...........?...........(difficult/more difficult/most difficult) test i have ever......?....(do/did/done)!

2. This is the.....?......(good/better/best) house i have ever........?......(see/saw/seen).
3. -She...........?........(didn't see/hasn't seen) the film.
-Bat she has. It's..........(a/нечего/the) film she.....?....(sees/saw/has seen) when she.......?......(was/has been) in London.
4.I.....................?................(did not sleep/have not slept) well last night.
5.................?..............(Did you hear/ Have you heard) the news yet?
6.We........?..........(saw/have seen) our friends on Saturday. It...........?...........(took/has taken) us............................(a/an/the) hour to get to....................(there/their) place.
7.i lake............(cook/to cook). I can................(cook/to cook well.
8.A..................(Fisherman/fishermen) is a person................(who/which)............(Catches/is catching) fish.
9.-What...............(a/an/ничего) expensive hotel!
-Yes I.............(Didn't/have never)...................(stay/stayed) in such..............(a/an/ничего) expensive hotel.
10.Don't go out! ...............................(It rains/It is raining)......................(Hard/hardly)

Write seven sentences about your classroom. Use the words: big, light, windows, maps, a computer, a tape- recorder. This is our classroom. It

is_________ and_______ .. This is ____ .And that is_____. . These are______. And those are_____ ..

закончи предложения вставь my,her,his,its,your

Exampl:What's your name?

1)I wash .... hands and face in the morning.
2)Jim likes to play with .... friends.
3)Jill! Don't forget to clean .... teeth.
4)Where does Bob ride .... bike?
5)I like spring.What is .... favourite season?
6)The dog likes .... ball.

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