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1)No man can make speeches in the House of Commons unless the Speaker calls on him, and no member

10-11 класс

may deliver more than one major speech in a debate. The name of the sovereign must not be introduced and the
House of Lords is always referred to as «another place». Members do not address each other by name, but
always as «the honourable member for so-and-so».
2)There is an expression used in the House of Commons to show the end of the day's business. Somebody
calls out: «Who goes home?» and the session ends up and the members hurry home. This custom remains from
the time when there was a lot of robbers in London. In the dark night the members went in groups through the
narrow streets of the old city


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Kerich423 23 февр. 2015 г., 18:28:57 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 февр. 2015 г., 21:19:32 (9 лет назад)

Никто не может произносить речи в Палате Общин пока Спикер не вызовет его и ни один из членов парламента не может выносить на обсуждение больше одного вопроса.
Название верхней палаты не должно звучать и Палата Лордов упоминается как " другое место" . Члены парламента не обращаются к друг другу по имени а как к " уважаемому члену парламента за то- то и то- то"
Есть фраза которая используется в Палате Общин для того чтобы показать что закончился рабочий день. Кто- то выкрикивает "А кто идет домой?" и заседание заканчивается и члены парламента торопятся домой.
Эта традиция произошла от того времени когда в Лондоне было много грабителей.
Темными ночами члены парламента возвращались группами через узкие улочки старого города


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PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHANGESTransformations are of two kinds, known as physical and chemical changes.Physical changes are those which effect the state or condition of matter withoutchanging its composition. There is no change in the composition of a substancewhen it is transformed from the liquid to the gaseous state by heating, or from theliquid to the solid state by cooling, and vice versa. Thus, in all three states, stream,water, and ice are all the same substance, made up of the simpler substances,hydrogen and oxygen. The state, but not the composition is effected by the process ofheating or cooling.By changes in the conditions of a substance are meant changes such as when asolid mass is made to fine powder, salt or sugar are dissolved in water. It is clear thatsuch transformations like the changes from one state of matter to another, do notaffect the composition of the material. The fine power of a substance may be madesolid again, and we get back the sail or sugar unchanged by evaporating the water.Chemical changes, however, are those matter changes in which changes ofcomposition does take place and the new substance formed will not return to itsoriginal state, unless it is subjected to another chemical change. Thus iron, when it iseffected by moist a ir, is slowly transformed into iron rust entirely different in itsproperties from the original iron. The new substances will not become iron againwhen it is allowed to stand, although the iron can be obtained from it if it issubjected to the proper conditions

Тут и слов не надо

Заранее спасибо :)

Переведите в пассивный залог

1)Is Sue Green presenting the new TV reality show?
2)The Mirror isn't going to publish the celebrities' photographs.
3)You can buy newspapers and magazines on the train.

Читайте также

Management is a process used to achieve certain goals through the utilization of resources: people, money, energy, materials, space, and time.

Administrative management is an approach that focuses on principles that can be used by management to coordinate the internal activities of organizations.

For years, managers have considered decision making to be a pure art. It has been considered an art because a variety of individual styles can be used in approaching and successfully solving the same type of managerial problems in actual business practice. These styles are often based on creativity, judgment, intuition, and the experience rather than on the systematic analytical approach.

However, the environment in which management must operate is changing. A man has long since landed on the moon, and technological advancement dictates the pace of our life. Such advances in technology cannot possibly be made without concurrent advances in the systems of management.

Business and its environment are more complex today than ever before, and the trend toward increasing complexity is continuing. So making decisions today is much more complicated than in the past for three reasons. First, the number of alternatives is usually much larger. Second, the consequences of the decisions are more difficult to predict due to increased uncertainty. Finally, the cost of making errors has become larger and larger, mainly due to the size of operations, automation, and a resulting chain - reaction situation in which the impact of an error may be felt on many places due to complex interrelationships.

To illustrate how critical the impact of a single error can be, consider the following example. In the early 80s, the management of Polaroid decided to invest millions of dollars in developing a new camera, SX-70. The justification for the huge investment was the anticipation of large profits from the sale of film for the camera. On July 2, 1985, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged almost 16 points and closed at a low for the year of 790. The major contributor to the fall was the drop in Polaroid, a once highly priced glamour issue that fell ll3/g points, a decline of 32 percent, in a single day! The drop was attributed to an announcement that the sales of SX-70 film were only one third of the company's projections. The plunge reduced the value of Polaroid shares by more than 360 million USD overnight! The impact was so significant that even though Polaroid did not file for the bankruptcy, its earnings declined for several years.

Managers must become more sophisticated - they must learn to utilize new tools and techniques that are being developed in their field. No one can imagine a successful physician using the medicine and equipment of the turn of the century. Yet, in management, one can find executives using management tools of that time.
1. Say whether it is true or false.

1. Administrative management is the ratio of the organization's productivity and the organization's structure.

b)Management is a process used to achieve certain goals through the utilization of resources.

c)The environment in which administrative management must operate is stable.

d)Today managerial decision making trends towards increasing simplicity.

e)In the early 60s, the management of Polaroid decided to invest millions of dollars.

f)Managers must learn to utilize new tools and techniques that are being developed in their field.

2. Finish the sentences:

1. For years, managers have considered decision making .. .

2. Such advances in technology cannot possibly be made without concurrent advances …. .

3. So making decisions today is much more complicated … .

4. First, the number of alternatives is .

5. Second, the consequences of decisions are more difficult to predict ….
1. Choose the correct answer.

1 He is ...C... man in the world.

A tall B taller C the tallest

2 I am …... than my sister.

A old B older C the oldest

3 This picture is …... of all.

A good B better C the best

4 My car was …... than yours.

A expensive B more expensive C the most expensive

5 This is …... film I've ever seen.

A boring B more boring C the most boring

6 Dan is not as ……. as Henry.

A thin B thinner C the thinnest

7 My shopping bag is as ... as yours.

A heavy B heavier C the heaviest

8 I think History is a(n) .. subject.

A interesting B more interesting C the most interesting

9 England is very …... in winter.

A cold B colder C the coldest

10 Trains are ….. than bicycles.

A fast B faster C the fastest

2. Underline the correct word.

1 She looked at me angry/angrily this morning.

2 He got dressed quick/quickly as he was late.

3 The fish had a strong/strongly smell.

4 She spoke to her friend soft/softly.

5 This salad tastes good/well.

6 That chair is quite comfortable/comfortably to sit on.

7 He sounded very unhappy/unhappily on the phone.

8 I feel sad/sadly today.

9 She is a very clever/cleverly student.

10 She crossed the road safe/safely.

10-11 класс английский язык ответов нет
Помогите перевести с английского на русский,срочно надо. Colin:I often help my mother in the house.I usually make my bed,sometimes tidy

my room.I always take the rubbish out.I seldom do the washing up and never lay the table.Do you ever help your Mum in the house,Omar?
Omar:Yes,I do.I often help my Mum.
Colin:How often do you make your bed?
Omar:I always make my bed.
Colin:And how often do you tidy your room?
Omar:Once a week.Usually on Saturday afternoon.
Colin:Who lays the table in your family?
Omar:My Mum does.
Colin:So does my Mum.

Помогите пожалуйста! Write the questions to which the following may be the answers. 1. Yes, the policy of the Government may contradict the wishes of

the House of Commons. 2. The Cabinet is the real instrument of Government. 3. The Prime Minister has the right to dissolve Parliament at any time. 4. No, backbenches don’t vote against the policy of the government. 5. The Cabinet usually includes between 17 and 23 members. 6. Yes, ultimate decisions rest with the Cabinet. 7. The Prime Minister has gained power at the expense of his colleagues. 8. No, the Cabinet does not have to seek the approval of the House of Commons. 9. The Secretary for Foreign Affairs is the member of the Cabinet. 10. Yes, the Cabinet has acquired great power in Parliament.

IIIв. Выберите единственный правильный вариант из предложенных для заполнения пропуска.

1.There can be problems sustaining а if people come from different social and cultural
1) linkage
2) relationship
3) tightness
2.My brother is training to Kilimanjaro. Africa's highest mountain.
1) climb
2) swim
3) slip
3.St. Petersburg’s integration into the world economy is progressing at a faster than that of
Russia as a whole.
1) pace
2) place
3) race
4.Rail travellers are furious at the proposed seven per cent increase in .
1) fares
2) fairs
3) fees
5.We hadn't had anything to eat, but there was a buffet on the train.
1. gladly
2. luckily
3. happily
6.The fashion industry tries to persuade us that we should be properly for recreation.
1) suited
2) wearing
3) Dressed

7.It is true that the Olympic Games are now commercialised and there is and drug abuse.
1) growth
2) guard
3) greed
8.Starting in the 50-s, baseball expanded its geographical .
1) range
2) rate
3) scope
9.Tea is without the British national drink: every man, woman and child over ten years of age has on average over lour cups a day or some 1500 cups annually.
1) doubt
2) disbelief
3) thinking

10.The very old tradition of April 1st from the Middle Ages when the servants were Masters for one day of the year.
1) serves
2) dates
3) backs
11.Advertisements are all around us, not just on TV, radio and in the press, but also at sports grounds, in shop windows, on posters, carrier and badges.
1) bags
2) backs
3) bugs
12.In the House of Commons there are 650 Members of Parliament, each one constituency.
1) reserving
2) representing
3) oppressing
13.In England all independent schools were to the total public before 1900.
1) available
2) acceptable
3) applicable
14. The ………………… for education is distributed between central government, local education authorities and the governing bodies of the school.
1) reason
2) comprehension
3) responsibility
14.In Grand Canyon National Park the major landscape are a result of erosion by exotic streams.
1) loans
2) factions
3) features

ПОМОГИТЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ!) Australia is an independent country within the Commonwealth. Formally the British monarch is the head of state and has royal

representatives in the country and in each of the six states.

According to the Australian Constitution, that was adopted on January 1, 1901, the legislative branch is represented by the Federal Parliament. The parliament is made up of two houses: the Senate with 76 senators and the House of Representatives with 148 members. The lawmakers are elected by the people. Voting is compulsory (обязательно). Australian citizens can vote by mail. Those who abstain from (воздерживаются от) voting are fined (штрафуются). Australians are proud of the fact that secret ballot (тайное голосование) was first introduced in Australia.

The party or a coalition of parties with the majority of seats in the House of Representatives forms the Cabinet and its leader becomes Prime Minister. So, the executive branch in Australia includes the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. Like in Great Britain they come from the Federal Parliament and are responsible to it for government decisions. The main political parties are the Liberal Party and the National Party. Normally they act in coalition. The Australian Labour Party and the Australian Democrats also play a great role in politics.

There is a question whether Australia should become a republic with an Australian head of state. The debate on the problem started several years ago. Everybody in Australia understands that a change to a republic needs the assent of the Australian people at a referendum. In February 1998, Australia began the process of severing (разъединения) its constitutional link to the Queen.

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