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Say what you usually do in the english на пример

1-4 класс

Zvereves17 14 июня 2014 г., 22:23:59 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 июня 2014 г., 0:31:43 (9 лет назад)

I usually go to bed at 11 o'clock
I usually brush my teeth in the morning
I usually play football with my friends
I usually do my homework at 6 o'clock

+ 0 -
15 июня 2014 г., 1:21:03 (9 лет назад)

Im usually go to school
Im usually do my homework
Im usually listen to my parents
Im usually listen my teachers
Im usually talk with my friends
Im usually walk with my dog
Im usually wake up at 7 o clock
Im usually drink water
Im usually read my favorite book
Im usually watch TV
Im usually help to my uncle in his office


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1 задание

Write the verbs in brackets in the correct forms (5 points)
1) She usually (get)_____________up at 8 o, clock.
2) Look! The girl (dance) _____________veri well!
3) The children (do)__________________exercises every day.
4) His parents (cook)______________food now.
5) It,s seven o,clock now. Tina (watch)___________TV

2 задание
Ask questions to the given answers. Use the Present Progressive. (5 points)
1)________________? - Yes, we are.
2)________________? - No, they aren,t.
3)________________?- Yes, she is.
4)________________?- No, he isn,t.
5)________________?- No, I am not.

Вставь артикли, где это необходимо.

1)... Rex is... funny.
2)... Rex is... funny puppy.
3)... Barsik is ... nice.
4).... Barsik is ... nice little kitten.
5)..... Spot is ..... very big dog.
6) We are ... good friends.
7) Is ... Teds brother ... busy?
8) Is ... Teds brother ... busy boy?

Переведите на английский язык:

Старик со старухой были очень печальны, потому что у них не было детей.Они слепили ребёнка из снега и она ожила. Она была очень доброй и вежливой. Но летом снегурочка была несчастлива, потому что было жарко. Однажды она пошла с подругами в лес и они прыгали через костёр. Снегурочка растаяла.

Читайте также

Work in pairs . Take turns to ask and answer the questions to the text. Предложения: 1.What did she do in the morning ? 2.Did she have an English

lesson yesterday ? 3.What did the children do at the English lesson ? 4.Did her mum buy her a new dress or a new dress or a blouse? 5.Did ____________ ? 6.Did _______or ________? 7.Was__________? Текст: 1.Ukrainian was my first lesson.We read a very interesting story.I answered the teacher's questions well.Miss Alison gave me a very good mark. 2.In the afternoon we went shopping with my mum . She bought me a new dress and a pair of shoes . I was really happy . 3.The english lesson was very interesting . We wrote a story , did grammar exercises , played games and sang songs. 4.I had a very nice day yesterday. At 8 o'clock I took my bag , put on my clothes and went to school . I gor to school by bus . I didn't wait long at the bus stop . The weather was nice.

Say what you usually have for breakfast (lunch/dinner)

Say what you had for breakfast (dinner) yesterday
помогите пожалуйста

Say what you will do when you are 30 years old

Example:When I am 30,I will be a doctor,I will live in the country.
What job? farmer,doctor.What place? country,town.What country? Russia, Egypt.What language? English

Помогите пожалуйста надо составить с каждый из слов словосочетание , как в примере. Tell Jim what you usually do in each lesson Пожалуйста!Use:

sing song, read a lot, solve problems, listen to stories, write, count, draw, translate from... into..., ask questions, answer questions, discuss, learn by heart
Example: We sing songs in our Music lessons.
Заранее спасибо:)

Tell Jim what you usually do in each lesson

sing song, read a lot, solve problems, listen to stories, write, count, draw, translate from... into..., ask questions, answer questions, discuss, learn by heart
Example: We sing songs in our Music lessons.
Составьте по образцу с другими словами предложения. Должно быть 12 предложения. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ!!!!!!!

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