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She will work in the hospital . His children won't go to school tomorrow. Mary will fly to China in winter. In summer they will swim in the pool. You will

10-11 класс

have fish for dinner tomorrow. Granny will phone on Monday (помогите перевести )

Karamovna55 04 февр. 2014 г., 18:49:30 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 февр. 2014 г., 19:55:59 (10 лет назад)

Она будет работать в больнице.Его сын не хочет идти завтра в школу.Мари полетит в Китай зимой.Летом они будут купаться в бассейне.Завтра на ужин у тебя будет рыба.Бабушка позвонит в Понедельник.


Другие вопросы из категории

1- we visited many historical places last summer

2- almost all my classmates listened to music and read books during their holidays
3- Pete traded baseball cards with his friends
4- I read much in English when I was free
5- my friend rode his bike every evening in summer

употребите форму личных местоимений:

She lives near (we; was).
(We;us) like bananas and (he; him) likes apples.
Shegave (they; them) books and (they; them) began to read.
I’ll tell (she; her) everything.
(I;me) bought this dress for (I; me) and not for my sister.
2.Замените существительные с предлогом of существительными в
притяжательном падеже.
1. the
book of Mike 2.the
name of my mother 3.the
meeting of students 4.the
children of my sister 5.the
room or my children
3.Употребите нужную форму притяжательных местоимений

(He) composition is very interesting
(We)son goes to school
(You)teacher is ill.
(They)house is not far from this place

РЕШИТЕ срочно ПЛЗ !!!))) C и D.
Report the following sentences:

1) He said: "They'11 be all right".
2) Rachel said: "They will repair their house In summer".
3) Mrs Butler said "I feel exactly the same way’1.
4) He promised: Til never behave like this".
5) Mrs. Ripley said: "Mary will leave school this summer".
6) Larry said 'Roy will climb Snowdon next year".
7) “There's a ladder out of the garage”, Mrs Wesley offered and Todd ran for it.
8) The forester said: "I'll show you the lake with a lot of trout".
9) Mrs. Benson is the witness of this accident", explained Sheldon benevolently
10) Walter said "I'll cook this pike myself".
11) Mr Humphrey said Til exhibit all my paintings in a new gallery".
12) Archie said: "I'll buy a pedigree dog”.
13) My parents said: "We'll buy you a yacht7'.
14) After lunch Clair said: "I'm going for a walk".
15) Garry said: "I'll write the balance sheet myself".
16) The plumber said: ‘I'll change all the pipes".
17) Billy hoped: "I'll earn money in summer".
18) ‘That was a very nice party", I said.
19) Alice explained: "The flower shop is situated down the road"
20) l wondered: "How many people came to the parents' meeting yesterday?"

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста задать общие вопросы к этим предложениям 1.She will work in the hospital . 2. His children won't go to school tomorrow . 3. Mary will

fly to China in winter . 4. In summer they will swim in the pool. 5. You will have fish for dinner tomorrow. 6. Granny will phone on Monday .

Задание №4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени: 1. She (to go) to school every day. 2. Beth (to go) to school at the moment. 3. The

lesson already (to begin). 4. He (to go) to school tomorrow? 5. Tomorrow at this time I (to be) at school. 6. What they (to do) at seven o'clock yesterday? 7. Next Sunday he (to play) tennis from ten till twelve. 8. Where he (to be) now? — He just (to go) to the library. 9. They (to go) to the cinema when I (to meet) them yes¬terday. 10. She ever (to be) in Oslo? — Yes, she (to be) there last month.

It was a cold January day in York, Pennsylvania. Dr. James turned on the television to check on the weather. The weatherman said that it was going to stay

cold for several days. According to him, the roads __________________(BE) very dangerous because of the snow and ice and he strongly recommended staying at home if at all possible. Dr. James __________________(NOT/CAN) stay at home. He worked in a hospital and there were patients waiting for him there. He put on a sweater, jacket, gloves, boots and a hat, and opened his front door. Everything __________________(COVER) with snow. A cold wind blew inside. “Wow,” Dr. James said. “The weatherman was right! I wish I __________________(HAVE) a reindeer instead of my old car.” When Dr. James __________________(DRIVE) slowly to work, he saw an accident. He stopped and __________________(RUN) to the damaged car. There was a man and two __________________(CHILD) inside. “Is everyone okay?” Dr. James asked.

“Yes, yes, we are fine,” answered the man. “I __________________(CALL) 911 already. They are coming to help __________________(WE). It looks like we won’t get to school today.”

1) Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Simple, a) These cadets (to work) in the port every Friday. b) We (to go) to bed very lat


c) His ship (not, to call) at this port.

2) Вопросы к предложениям (к подлежащему, общий, специальный)

John goes to the library every day.

3) Поставьте нужную форму глагола to be.

a) John ... speaking to his father now.

b) My parents ... working in the garden now.

c) My brother ... doing his homework in his room.

4) Переведите.

Дон учится в речном училище.

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в настоящее время (Present Simple). I (be) a pupil. I (go) to school. My sister (be) a pupil too. She (study) well. Tom and

Bob (be) fine. You (be) in the park. They (have) got a house. My uncle (have) got a car. I (have) lunch at school. Tom (have) lunch at home. My brother (go) to school. His sisters (go) to school. We (buy) bread every day. Mother (buy) ice-cream on Sunday. Mr Brown (live) in London. The Greens (live) in New York. Jane (like) to play with her dolls. Tom and Bob (like) to play football. This girl (skate) in the park. My cat (run) in the garden. The kittens (jump) in the room. We (do) our homework. Tom (do) his homework. Men (like) to play football. This man (play) tennis well. Tom's friend (go) to school. Bob's friends (play) hockey. Ann's aunt (live) in London. Kate's uncles (live) in Moscow. We (have) soup for lunch. This woman (be)my aunt. These women (swim) well. That woman (sing) well. My sister and I (help) our mother. His sister (cook) dinner. Ann and Jane (read) a lot of books. Kate (write) a lot of letters. His Granny often (work in the garden. The child (like) to play with the toys. These children (like) to play with the dog. They (clean) their room on Sunday. Jane (wash) her hands before dinner. Kate (watch) TV in the evening. Granny (give) me milk in the evening. Mrs Smith's son (drink) juice after lunch. We (eat) porridge every morning. John's cat often (catch) mice. Some mice (live) under the house. My father (work) every day. Little children often (cry). My little often (cry). My little brother often (cry). The bird (fly) in the sky. This fish (swim) in the river. These fish (swim) in the river.

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