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No sooner_______ he_______ us.

10-11 класс

2) has... seen
3) was... seeing
4) did... see

MariMurr 01 июля 2014 г., 1:04:37 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 июля 2014 г., 3:31:39 (9 лет назад)

ответ номер 1 had he seen

+ 0 -
01 июля 2014 г., 6:29:57 (9 лет назад)

это вопрос или утверждение?


Другие вопросы из категории

Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Подчеркните инфинитив одной чертой, а герундий - двумя чертами. Укажите их функцию в предложении.

1. I enjoy meeting new people.
2. John stopped to talk to the manager.
3. After receiving our order, let us know the exact date of delivery.
4. The most important function of wholesaler is to contact manufacturer and potential customer.

Объясните мне пожалуйста правило степеней сравнения прилагательных.

Не знаю, что писать если дан текст и нужно образовать ту или иную степень сравнения.

Задание 5. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в Present Continuous

He (to read) newspapers. I (to work) hard at my English. She (to sit) at the window and (to look) at the sea. I (to prepare) my homework. They all (to work) at the laboratory. I (to write) letters to my cousins.I (TO HAVE) breakfast with my family. We (not to go) to the Institute. He (to come) home. Mr. Smith (not to give) a lesson.

Читайте также

104. Вставьте some, any, no или их про­изводные.

1. Have you ... relations? - No, I
haven't ... , I have ... relations. 2. Has she ... nephews or niec­es? - - She
has ... nephews. 3. She has ... sisters, she has only brothers. 4. Do you
know ... about Chinese art? 5. They
have ... cousins in Minsk. 6. Have
you ... brothers? - No, I haven't ... , I have ... brothers.
7. I have ... good friends. 8. We did
not know ... about his problems: he told us ... .
9. Have you got ... interesting books? 10. Have
you ... friends in America? 11. He has ... English
books in this bookcase. 12. Did you meet ... on your
way to school? 13. Have you got ... pencils
in your bag? 14. Do we have ... chalk
on the black­board? 15. How could I know that he was ill? ... told me
... . 16. She has ... mistakes in her test.

Вставьте some, any, no, something, anything, nothing, everything, somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody по смыслу:

1. Are there… chess-players here?
2. There are … diagrams in the new book.
3. There are … letters for you on the table.
4. Does …. mind if I smoke?
5. There is ….. at the door. Can you go and see who it is?
6…. could answer the question. It was too difficult.
7. Give me …. to read, please.
8. Where is the book? Is it on the table? – No, there is … there.
9. I didn’t take any money with me, so I could not buy ….
10. Are there … mistakes in my dictation?
11. There were … students of our group at the consultation yesterday.
12. People need …. oxygen for breathing.
13. My new eyeglasses are very good, I can see …. now.
14. I saw …. near the wood that looked like a tent.
15. I don’t know …. about this town.
16. I could see ….: it was dark.
17. Please, tell us the story….. knows it.
18. Has … here got a red pencil?

Вставьте неопределенные местоимения some, any, no и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. What book shall I bring you? - ... you like. (some, any)
2. He can answer ... question on the subject. (some, any, no)
3. Can we have ... milk? (some, any)
4. Will you have ... tea? - ... more, thank you. (some, any, no)
5. I can't see ... suitcases or bags here. Have you got ... luggage? (some, any, no)
6. Sue was very helpful. She gave us ... very useful advice. (some, any, no)
7. I want to write ... letters but I haven't got ... paper. (some, any, no)
8. There are ... eggs in the fridge if you are hungry. (some, any, no)
9. ... children learn very quickly. (some, any, no)
10. Have you seen ... good films recently? (some, any, no)
11. The scientist knew English well and was in ... need of an interpreter. (some, any, no)

About us ChildLine is a free, 24-hour confidential helpline that children and young people in the UK can call when they

feel they have nowhere else to turn. Our 1,400 trained counsellors

comfort, advise and protect children with a wide range of problems such as bullying,serious

family problems and worries about friends. For over 20 years, we have been savingchildren’s lives,

helping homeless young people living on the streets to find shelter, and simply giving

hope to those who thought no one cared.

Facts | Figures

Every day, more than 4,500

children and young people call Child Line .

Child Line has counselled around two million children and young people since 1986.

Child Line receives almost three times as many calls from girls as from boys. 22% of callers are aged 5-11, 60% are aged 12-15 & 18% are aged 16-18. About 550 teens per year call because of pressure from exams.

Get involved

Help beat bullying: Sadly, bullying is the most common problem

that children call Child Line about. We can send you an anti-bullying pack full of great activities, tips and ideas. Or why not fundraise for us during anti-bullying week and help us to raise money to answer calls from a further 1,000 children every day? Start a peer support scheme: Young people can help each other! We can help you set up a ‘peer support scheme’ at your school and train

volunteer pupils in listening , empathy and problem-solving skills.

Help us take more calls: Only around half of the young people who

call us every day get through. You can help by making a donation

or even volunteering as a child line counsellor yourself.

Отличный перевод плис!!! срочно.

9.3аполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no, every или производными от них. 1. You must ask somebody to help you with this work. 2. If I have some

free time, I shall go...tonight. 3. Have you heard anything about our plan? 4. Did anybody see this film yesterday? 5. Did you say something? — No, I said nothing. 6. Don't tell her anything about me. 7. ... is waiting for you, Mother. 8. Don't worry, everything is all right. 9. Is anybody absent today? 10. I can see...there, it is so far. 11. Could you tell me anything interesting? 12. It is an old joke. Everybody knows it.

10. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время. 1. They (to send) us several telegrams already. 2. How many languages you (to speak). 3. We (to be) in the theatre yesterday and (to come) back home by 10 o'clock. 4. Last year Professor Jones (to teach) us English. 5. Nick (to have) lunch in the cafeteria now. 6. My friend (to pass) English exam soon. 7. I (to forget) to bring my notebook to class yesterday.

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