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составить предложения music i a long for have not time listened to

5-9 класс

составить предложение Galileo telescope the first made it and looked straught

Heyjude 18 сент. 2014 г., 21:22:58 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 сент. 2014 г., 22:41:52 (9 лет назад)

Galileo made the first telescope ad it looked straught

+ 0 -
18 сент. 2014 г., 23:35:44 (9 лет назад)

I have not listened a music for a long time


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Ответте на вопросы пожалуйста!Which sportsperson do you most admire?why?

2. What sport do they do?is it an Olympic sport?how popular is it around the world?

СРОЧНО!!!!!! Пожалуйста переведите этот текст и вставте слова!!! Hi, I'am Amy Clark. I'am ten years old. This is a picture of my ........... They

are all very nice people. My ............. is Mike. He's 36 and very friendly. He can speak two .................. ,English

переведите They have a boy of my age. Poor hedgehogs! We are already in our new house!It is smaller and less cosy then our old

house,but Bill cannot see us here . We are safe.But he is looking for us.He knows that we like yoghurt and appies.Yesterday he left an apple on the fence.My little brother came to the fence, and Bill pinched his nose and laughed.My poor brother cried.

за лучшее 12

Написать на английском САМИМ:

1. о том,что мне нравится закат(~ 4 предл.)
2.и о том,что я люблю лето (~4 предл.)

Читайте также

1) music i a long for have not time listened to . 2) were , something , they , interesting , looking at , more . 3) carefull , should be

, spacemen , with , very , their , spacesuit .

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ТОЧНЫЙ ПЕРЕВОД,ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!The last thing I want is somebody who advises me. But I have been asked recently to write a book of young people. I know young

people do not read advice books-they think they know everything. They also think that all who gives advice is not worth listening to. But here are some pieces. They are not in any order of importance. 1. Only wear white socks if you are playing tennis. 2. Read for at least an hour every day. 3. Remember that all governments tell lies. 4. Do not buy jewellery. Anybody will only take it away from you. 5. Ask questions. And talk to strangers. 6. Try to get part-time work as a waiter or waitress. You will learn several useful things: how to deal with people,the secrets of the professional kitchen, and how to behave is restaurants. 7. Do not believe the shop assistaht when she tells you that you look wonderful in the dress you tried on for laugh. 8. Never read advice columns.

Составьте предложения

1)good be rugby you have your play to to team for
2)have buy do expensive race to shoes they for the ?
3)have have he to doesn't drink energy
4)gradually does have warm she up to ?
p.s [?] - тоже должен быть в предложении
p.p.s Просто в нужном порядке поставьте слова, чтобы получились предложения

- How long (0) have you been writing (to write) for teenager?

- For ten years. I (1) ............ (to write) poems, and little stories since I was a child. I like writing for teenagers. When I (2)............ (to write) for young people, I think about writing the plot.
-What writers (3)........... (to influence) your writing?
-I (4)...........(to read) lots of different things since I learnt to read, and I think everything (5)............. (to have) an influence on me. In my early years, J. D. Salinger and Jack London were my favourite writers. I like crime writers. I also like reading a lot of non-fiction books.
-(7)......... you................ (to read) much teen fiction by other writers?
-I usually (8)..... (to read) a lot. But, when I (9)...... (to write) a book I (10)...... (to try) not to read much teen fiction.
-What (11) ........ you ...............(to work) on at the moment?
-I (12) .............. (to work) on a screenplay for Martyn Pig.
Ребят нужно (complate the interview, using the verbs is one of the present verb forms.), переводить текст не надо.

Составить три вопроса к тексту: If you have ever snowboarded or skateboarded, then sand-boarding should be easy for you. It has the same

principle as downhill snowboarding, but instead of travelling across snow, you travel across sand. If you have never done any kind of snow-boarding or skateboarding, it is still very easy to pick up.
For a first-time sandboarder, all you really need is the sand-board itself. A sandboard looks a lot like a snowboard and even has similar bindings to keep your feet attached.
To get the best results out of your sandboarding experience, you should do the sport on soft dry sand dunes. Wet sand can make the board stick and this makes for a bad ride. But be careful! Although you are riding on soft sand, accidents can still happen. A helmet is usually a good idea.

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