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кузнечик - описание на английском

1-4 класс

CaptPluton 08 сент. 2014 г., 15:22:43 (9 лет назад)
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08 сент. 2014 г., 16:22:20 (9 лет назад)

Grasshoppers (lat. Tettigonioidea) - superfamily Orthoptera insect suborder Nematocera with only modern eponymous family. More than 6800 species on every continent (except Antarctica).

Table Of Contents

     1 Structure
     2 Reproduction
         2.1 Fertilization
         2.2 Oviposition
         2.3 Development Cycle
     3 chirping and hearing
     4 Habitat and masking
     5 Power
     6 Taxonomy


Head with a separate Fastigium, often laterally compressed, sometimes conical. Paws 4-segmented. Pronotum with a flat or convex top and flat hanging down the side lobes. Elytra often with male body chirping. Venation with sharply isolated RS, in the field of organ chirring greatly changed. Often elytra and wings flying lose function, but remain, often reinforced, body chirping. Ovipositor females available, with very few exceptions, long, laterally compressed.

When mating, the male hangs at the end of the abdomen of the female spermatophore. Spermatophore consists of a bottle (the main part) and spermatofilaksa (optional part). The vial is covered with a shell, has a narrow neck and two reinforcing vanes. The internal cavity of the vial, which contains the sperm is divided by a partition into two parts. Spermatofilaks is a sticky mass.

Male enters the female genital opening in the neck of the vial, and the vial itself and spermatofilaks remain outside. After mating, the female usually eats slowly spermatofilaks, while sperm slowly flows from the vial into the oviduct, after which the female eats and bottle. Suspended from the abdomen of the female spermatophore to weigh down his spermatofilaksom complicates and hinders the movement of females laying eggs and re-pairing. At the same time eating should be slow, otherwise the sperm will not have time to flow from the bottle into the oviduct.

Most of prey species and species that feed on both animal and plant foods, lay their eggs in the ground, sinking into her ovipositor. Eggs are laid singly or in small groups of 5-10 pcs., Fastened solidifying secretions accessory genital glands. In herbivorous species eggs often deposited on or in the ground part of the plant.

     The female lays eggs plastinokryla four-point into the parenchyma of the leaf. She sits astride the edge of the sheet, clutching his sides front and middle legs, then gently nadgryzaet its edge and strongly bends the abdomen. Hold the base jaws ovipositor, the female enters it into the parenchyma of the leaf in place of the notch. Ovipositor almost completely submerged, and the egg is deposited on the bottom of the pocket formed in the tissue.
     Average plastinohvost lays eggs in slits of old wood poles and fences, and other species of this genus - a cracked bark of trees and shrubs.
     Prickly plastinokryl lays an egg for cereal leaf sheaths.
     Brachypterous swordsman uses for egg laying or cane stalks Sitnik with well-developed core.

development cycle

The larvae hatch in the spring, for the entire life cycle shed from 4 to 6 times. After the first molt appear rudiments of wings in the form of drawn down and back rear bottom corners mesonotum and metanotum. After molting third wing buds located on the back, taking a triangular form and they appear longitudinal rib. After the last molt occurs okrylenie.

As a rule, larvae and nymph grasshoppers differ from adults only in size and the lack of normally developed wings. But there are species whose larvae are very different in appearance from the adults. The strongest differences are observed in the transformative mimicry, ie, when the larva has signs of mimicry missing in adults.

     In the Sudanese grasshopper (Eurycorypha fallax) larvae mimic ants, which live on leaves and flowers of shrubs. In this case, although the larval body thicker body ant on it on a light green background abdomen displayed a dark figure, which reproduces a narrow "waist", and bloated abdomen, typical of ants.
     In Malay grasshopper (Leptoderes ornatipennis) instar larvae are similar to beetle-racer (Collyris tuberculata) metallic blue color and red hips. Character jumping beetles and their larvae imitate also very similar.


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