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Поставьте артикль the, если необходимо. 7. ... Moskow is situated in Europe part of Russian Federation

5-9 класс

Ксюня000 06 июня 2014 г., 13:04:09 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 июня 2014 г., 15:51:28 (9 лет назад)

Артикль не нужен, перед городами артикль не ставится.

+ 0 -
06 июня 2014 г., 18:38:41 (9 лет назад)

Перед словом Moscow артикль ставить не нужно, перед названиями городов артикли не ставятся.


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We contiune our talk about hobbies. Today we will meet Mr Pompton. He will show us his collection bot he has asked us to hurry up because he has very little time to spare. Richard Pompton has an interesting hobby. He collects old TV sets. He has so much TV sets that they are everywhere in his house. There are few TV sets in the living room, in the bathroom! "Did you buy all of these TV sets yourself?" we asked him. "Oh, no, I don't have that little money. Most of them came from people who didn't want them anymore. much of the TV sets didn't work when I got them. So I repaired them. Now all the TV sets work! "Thank you, Mr Pompton's hobby is very unusual indeed and very few people understand him.

как читается слово policeman
Помогите, пожалуйста! Дать ответ. 1.talk about your last weekend. Say -where you spent the weekend -what you did at the weekend

2. talk about a collection at home. Say

-what you collect and how many things you have got

-why you began to collect these things

3. talk about your favorite holiday. Say

- what holidayyou like best and why

-how you usually spend this holiday.

Читайте также

Поставить артикль The, где необходимо:

... Moscow was built on ... Moskva River in ... twelfth century. Today it is ... world's sixth largest city with a population of almost 10 million.
... St. Petersburg is ... most notherly place of ... world's biggest cities ans has five million inhabitants. The city is situated on forty-four islands in delta of ... Neva.
As both Hitler and Napoleon discovered, ... winter can be extremly cold with ... temerature droppng as low as a record -42 C in ... Moscow.
There can be nothing more Russian than the crisp frost of ... winter, ice on ... Neva and show falling upon ... golden cupolas of ... Moscow's churches.

Поставить артикль The, где необходимо:

... Moscow was built on ... Moskva River in ... twelfth century. Today it is ... world's sixth largest city with a population of almost 10 million.
... St. Petersburg is ... most notherly place of ... world's biggest cities ans has five million inhabitants. The city is situated on forty-four islands in delta of ... Neva.
As both Hitler and Napoleon discovered, ... winter can be extremly cold with ... temerature droppng as low as a record -42 C in ... Moscow.
There can be nothing more Russian than the crisp frost of ... winter, ice on ... Neva and show falling upon ... golden cupolas of ... Moscow's churches.

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