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10-11 класс

If you have ever dreamt about incredibly big seas with huge powerful waves crashing onto sandy beaches, then you should definitely think about learning to surf. It's the most exciting watersport there is. Serious surfers must be very brave, love adventure and have lots of energy. Once they've experienced the excitement of a ride on top of the waves, they never want to stop.

Surfers say they feel it's the only place to be. Many travel around the world searching for the perfect wave, moving from one surf festival to another and checking weather forecasts to see where the really exciting waves are expected next. Some even carry pagers which beep when there are weather reports of perfect conditions. A surfer's greatest disappointment would be missing the opportunity to surf in the best weather conditions.

Hawaii is where the sport began - the place which most surfers see as their "true home". They love nature and the excitement you get from the deep waters. Enormous waves crash along mile after mile of beautiful sand, and every surfer dreams of experiencing surfing in Maui or Oahu. Other great surfing locations include Australia, the west coast of the U.S., the Caribbean, Brazil, Japan, Hong Kong, South Africa, the Canary Islands, and Cornwall. Experienced surfers are always in search of the best waves in some totally unspoilt paradise that hardly anyone has heard of.

It takes time for a beginner to learn the technique, but during a long hot summer, who minds practising? The professionals, of course, are in the sea every day, then come back onto the beach to do some exercises with weights. You need to be a strong swimmer with good balance and plenty of courage to be an expert surfer.

You can surf almost anywhere in any weather if vow are wearing a wet suit. All you need to do then is choose a surfboard and you're ready to go - hopefully into big waves that are warm, with an experienced teacher to lead you. You don't need to wear a wet suit in summer, but many surfers keep them on all the time since they can protect you from the hot sun as well as from cold water.

It can take a few weeks or it can take a whole summer for you to learn to catch a wave at the right moment, stand up on your board and stay there. It's an amazing feeling when you look down and see your feet on the board and realise you are finally standing up on the sea, even if you aren't very steady. Professional surfers look as if they learned to surf as soon as they could walk. For example, Shane Powell, an Australian professional, watched videos of Australian surfing heroes like Peter Townsend, Barton Lynch and Tom Carpool as he was growing up. He says, "As a boy I'd watch those surfers and just imagine myself riding the waves." Howell seems to move over the sea without any difficulty. He first practised on small waves, but clearly had talent. By the age of 17 he was touring with the work 's best surfers, and now, at 23, he practises every day and an even younger generation of surfers study videos of him in action.

Simply watching great surfers will make you want to try the sport. If you do try it, you'll find muscles you never knew you had; you may begin to think you might never get it right, but you'll have a lot of fun.

Reginka2345 30 янв. 2015 г., 4:35:53 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 янв. 2015 г., 6:21:42 (9 лет назад)

1)  Must serious surfers be very brave, love adventure and have lots of energy?
2)  Who has experienced the excitement of a ride on top of the waves, they never want to stop?

1)  Some even carry pagers which beep when there are weather reports of perfect conditions, don't they?
2) Would a surfer's greatest disappointment be missing the opportunity to surf in the best weather conditions?

1) Hawaii is where the sport began - the place which most surfers see as their "true home", isn't it?
2) Are experienced surfers always in search of the best waves in some totally unspoilt paradise that hardly anyone has heard of?

1) It takes time for a beginner to learn the technique, but during a long hot summer, doesn't it?
2) Need you to be a strong swimmer with good balance and plenty of courage to be an expert surfer?

1) Who can surf almost anywhere in any weather if vow are wearing a wet suit?
2) You don't need to wear a wet suit in summer, but many surfers keep them on all the time since they can protect you from the hot sun as well as from cold water, do you?

1) Can it  take a few weeks or it can take a whole summer for you to learn to catch a wave at the right moment, stand up on your board and stay there?
2) By the age of 17 he was touring with the work 's best surfers, and now, at 23, he practises every day and an even younger generation of surfers study videos of him in action, wasn't he?

1) Will simply watching great surfers make you want to try the sport?
2) Will you find muscles you never knew you had; you may begin to think you might never get it right, but you'll have a lot of fun?


Другие вопросы из категории

Justin перевод этого слова
Составить из этих слов и словосочетаний ситуацию :

To go for a walk , to lose , on the way , to be upset , to forget , to be clear , to return , to understand , to find , to be happy , finally , to continue , to finish

ПОМОГИТЕ,ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!1. He was very fond____ his sister and meant always to

take care___ her. She was glad____ his company too.

A of, of, with C of, of, of

B for, for, of D with, for, for

2. He was very kind____ me, and took a great deal of

notice___ me, and paid a good deal of attention_____

me and at last he proposed____ me.

A to, of, to, to C towards, to, to, __

B of, for, for, at D of, with, towards, for

3 A little house stood____ the corner of the street._____

a distance it seemed white and pink because_____ the

bushes of roses surrounding it.

A at, In, ___ C at, At, of

B on, On, from D in, From, ___

4. A mountain river rushed____ the bottom of the valley

and the whistling of a train was heard__ the far


A at, in C in, from

B on, at D under, for

5. Four cottages with cheerful green and white windows
stood___ an open place_____ the big trees.

A at, between C at, beneath

B in, among D on, under

6. I am glad I've explained____ you reasons____ chang­
ing and hope you are not angry_____ me any longer.

A ___ , of, with C for, for, to

B to, for, with D ___ , of, ___

7. They decided to go____ their car, and I was looking

___ our trip ____ all my heart.

A by, upon, by B in, forward, with C into, to, at D in, forward to, with

8. She smiled____ me and said, "I don't mind_ or­
ganizing the party if he has no objections______ giving


A at, to, ___ C for, from, upon

B to, ___ , to D at, ,__ , for

9. Mary shook hands____ a tall stout man sitting____ the

chair___ the piano and introduced him______ me.

A with, on, beside, to B to, in, at, for

C for, into, near, ___

D with, in, at, for

10.____ my opinion, he was always a little ahead___

me. But he was a snob: he was always interested____ ,

and envious____ those who had some sort of social


A From, of, ___ , for

B In, of, in, of

C On, from, in, ___

D For, for, of, to

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люди, знающие английский язык хорошо помогите пожалуйста! нужно ответить на 2 вопроса по тексту. буду очень благодарна! Most

introductory textbooks on Economics begin by posing the question, “What is Economics about? Although Economics is a vast subject and precise definitions are usually try complex, it is not a difficult matter to give a simple and sensible answer to the basic question. Economics is essentially a study of the ways in which people apply their knowledge, skills, and efforts to the gifts of nature in order to satisfy their material wants.
Economics limits itself to the study of the material aspects of live, and while it is true that man cannot live by bread alone, it is equally true that he cannot live without it. An underlying problem in economics is that of survival and we must examine how people have solved or are trying to solve this problem. In the more advanced countries this may seem a very remote problem — few people, if any, are conscious of a life or death struggle for existence. In many other
countries, however, the continuity of human existence is by no means assured — starvation is a very real prospect for millions of human beings.
Even in the prosperous, economically advanced countries there is an aspect of survival which attracts little or no attention from those of us fortunate enough to live in these areas. This is our relative helplessness as «economic» indi-viduals. The Indian peasants have an extremely low standard of living, yet, left completely to their own devices, they can survive. Such people have the abilities to sustain life without outside assistance. A large percentage of the human race still lives in very small self-sufficient peasant communities. These people experience great poverty, but they can provide on an individual basis, for their own survival. They have a degree of economic independence.
If we now turn to the inhabitants of New York, London, or any other great metropolitan area we must observe the opposite situation — a high standard of living together with an extreme economic dependence. The inhabitants of cities are totally incapable of providing for themselves, directly, the means of their survival. They could not feed themselves, or build their own houses. Such people depend, each and every day of their lives, on the efforts and cooperation of many thousands of specialist workers. In industrialized societies a high standard of living is possible only if the organized cooperation of large numbers of people can be guaranteed. In the economically developed countries we are rich, not as individuals, but only as members of a complex economic organization.

вот два вопроса, на которые необходимо ответить:

1)What do most introductory books on Economics begin by?
2)What does it limit itself to?

.Помогите по английскому! Нужно задать все виды вопросов к предложении. she lost her boy the shop yesterday (Общий, вопрос к подлежащему,

специальный вопрос, специальный вопрос, альтернативный вопрос,разделительный вопрос)

СРОЧНО! нужно задать вопросы другу на английском:

-о будущей профессии
-о путешествиях вообщем
-о любимом школьном предмете
(по 3 вопроса)

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