Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Упр. 1.14. Задайте общие вопросы по образцу.

10-11 класс

There are some roses in the vase.
Are there any roses in the vase?
There is some wine in the glass.
Is there any wine in the glass?
1. There are some letters for Ann. 2. There is some noise (шум) in the corridor. 3. There are some children in the garden. 4. There are some cars in the street. 5. There is some fish in the fridge. 6. There is some ice-cream on the table. 7. There are some books on the shelf. 8. There are some old shoes under the bed.
Упр. 1.15. Измените предложения по образцу, употребляя отрицательное местоимение no.
There aren't any boys there.
There are no boys there.
1. There isn't any coffee in the cup. 2. There aren't any students in the class-room. 3. There aren't any cars in the street. 4. He hasn't any friends. 5. They haven't any money. 6. We haven't any meat for supper. 7. That country hasn't any coffee to export.
Упр. 1.16. Вставьте some или any.
1. There are … students in the library. 2. There isn't … light in the room. 3. Mary has got two sisters but she hasn't got … brothers. 4. I don't like popular music but … people like it. 5. Has Mother … meat for dinner? – Yes, she has … . 6. Are there … mistakes in Nick's dictation? – No, there are not … . 7. Has Max … friends here? – Yes, he has … . 8. Has Bess … interesting books to read? – No, she hasn't … . 9. Would you like … coffee? 10. Can I have … tea, please?

Nik107 04 марта 2014 г., 2:55:54 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 марта 2014 г., 4:12:49 (10 лет назад)

1. Are there any letters for Ann?
2. Is there any noise (шум) in the corridor?
3. Are there any children in the garden?
4. Are there any cars in the street?
5. Is there any fish in the fridge?
6. Is there any ice-cream on the table?
7. Are there any books on the shelf?
8. Are there any old shoes under the bed?


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Телевидение и радио- самые известные средства массовой информации.
Как давно они поженились? - 5 лет назад.
Сколько песен вы записали?- Мы записали целый альбом, в который входит 15 песен.
Русские- очень дружелюбные и гостеприимные люди.
Его первая книга вышла в 1987 году.

Задайте пожалуйста все типы вопросов к предложениям:

1.I have already done my homework.
2.I did my homework yesterday

как переводится Complete
Помогите пожалуйста,очень срочно нужно.

Summer is coming and I want to look my best: healthy, energetic and physically fit. So I'm trying to eat plain, simply cooked natural food, have enough sleep at night and I have recently joined our local fitness club. Do you do anything special to stay healthy? What makes people healthy and strong? What do you think about a healthy lifestyle? By the way, I'm going to spend a month at the seaside this summer...... Ответьте на ее 3 вопроса, и задайте ей 3 вопроса, о том как она провела летние каникулы

Читайте также

1)Задайте общий вопрос к предложениям.

1. I usually buy bread and milk at the shop.
2. He got a ''five'' yesterday.
3. She knows French well.
4. Ann will translate this text tomorrow.
5. We worked in the garden three days ago.
2)Задайте специальные вопросы к предложениям из задания 1)

I invite my friends often задать общий вопрос

They left Moscow. last week. задать вопрос к they

Напишите по образцу-образец.Oleg repairs bike.He doesn.t repair.

1. My grandparents take photos.
2. Mrs Smith can play the piano.
3. I will watch TV in the afternoon.
4. Alice skied in the park.
5. Jane.s grandfather has got a collection of stones.
6. Mike.s grandparents have got a garden.

Напишите по образцу-образец.They watch TV.-They do not watch TV.They never watch TV.

1. They repair scooters.
2. We feed their pets.
...................their pets.
...................their pets.
3. I water the flowers.
................the flowers.
................the flowers.

Упражнение№ 1. Раскройте скобки употребив глагол в Present Perfect. 1. John (write) his name. 2. I (draw) a picture. 3. Tom (blow out ) the light. 4.

The cat (drink) its milk. 5. The tree (fall) across the road. 6. John (give) his bicycle to his brother. 7. You (make) a mistake. 8. We (eat) our dinner. 9. The train just (go). 10. I just (tell) the answer. 11. George never (be) in Australia. 12. John and Richard just (go away). 13. The baker (sell) all his cakes. 14. I (read) this book.

Упражнение№ 2. - Переведите предложения. - Задайте общий вопрос. - Ответьте "Yes,… No,…" 1. Jack has washed the dog. 2. Father has already cleaned his car. 3. Mr Pirson has made a speech at the conference. 4. Granny has bought me some cakes. 5. They have painted their old house. 6. Liz has bought some flowers. 7. My sister has just cooked breakfast for the family. 8. The cat has already eaten fish. 9. Mrs Gracy have gone to London. 10. I have never been to India. 11. She has just broken a vase. 12. We have cleaned the room. 13. Nick has phoned his friend. 14. The train has just arrived. 15. The snow has just started . 16. Kelly has gone to America. 17. We have left our books at home. 18. The street has changed a lot. 19. You have worked here for a long time. 20. Mandy has been ill for a month.

Глагол “to be” в прошедшем времени. Общий вопрос. Отрицательные

предложения. Глагол “to have”.
Задание 5. Вы приехали в родной город спустя несколько лет и увидели, что много
изменилось. Составьте предложения по образцу, используя подстановочные слова.
1. There was a big tree in the yard, but I don’t see it.
2. There were two small sport grounds nearby, but I don’t see them.
Подстановочные слова
1. big tree / in the yard;
2. two small sport grounds / nearby.
Подстановочные слова
1. a little garden / nearby;
2. a big fence / round the garden;
3. two little shops / in my street;
4. an old school / in my district;
5. a lot of small and old houses / nearby;
6. a little market / in my district.

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