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Выразите общие вопросы косвенной речью. 1. I said: "Did you become a manager five years ago? 2. He asked me: "Does your sister study at school?" 3. She

5-9 класс

said: "Is he working on his report?" 4. Jack said: "Did you meet anybody at the party?" 5. Kate said to him: "Do you like modern art?" 6. Pat said to Nick: "Are you busy?" 7. Jane asked me: "Have you already found the keys?" 8. My friend said: "Have you already chosen a book to read?" 9. They asked us: "Are you tired?" 10. We asked: "Will you come to see us on Friday?" 11. Peter said: "Have they been waiting for hours?" 12. Mary asked me: "Have you known him since childhood?" 13. Mark said to Kate: "Do you prefer coffee to tea? 14. I asked my brother: "Can you help me? 15. She asked her: "Has he already received a letter?" 16. Jane said to me: "Do you agree with his decision?" 17. I asked her: "Can you give me a new cassette?"

Dnepr95 23 февр. 2015 г., 22:09:04 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 февр. 2015 г., 0:57:12 (9 лет назад)

1. I asked if he had become manager five years ago.

2. He asked me if my sister worked at school.

3. she asked if he was working on his report.

4. Jack asked if I had met somebody  at the party.

5. Kate asked him if he liked modern art.

6. Pet asked Nick if he was busy.

7. Jane asked me if I had already found the keys.

8. my friend asked  if i had already chosen a book to read.

9. they asked us if we were tired.

10. we asked if they would come to see us on Friday.

11. Peter asked if they had been waiting for hours.

12. Mary asked me if I had known him since childhood.

13. Mary asked Kate if she prefered coffee or tea.

14. i asked my brother if he could help me.

15. she asked her if he had already received a letter.

16. Jane asked me if I agreed with his decision.

17. i asked her if she could give me a new cassette.




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Собаки способны воспринимать мир глазами человека. Британские исследователи обнаружили, что собаки крадут еду в четыре раза чаще, если в комнате достаточно темно для зрения человека.Это может указывать на то, что животные способны изменять свое поведение с учетом особенностей поведения их хозяев.Это исследование проводилось на подопытных собаках.Целью исследования было попытаться установить, способны ли собаки понимать то, как воспринимают реальность их хозяева. Ученые обнаружили, что когда в комнате с собаками тушили свет, вероятность того, что собаки попытаются украсть запретную для них еду, возрастала в четыре раза.Сотрудница кафедры психологии , считает, что это исследование доказывает, что собаки понимают ,что люди не видят их в темноте и они способны оценивать ситуацию с точки зрения человека.

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Переписать в косвенной речи. 1)He said: "I have just received a letter from my uncle".

2)"I am going to the theatre tonight" ,he said to me.

3)The clerk said to them: "You can leave the key with maid upstairs"

4)He asked his mother: "What are you doing?"

5)My friend asked me : "Does your sister play the piano?"

Преобразовать в косвенную речь:1.Не said: "I like this song" 2."Where is your sister ?" she asked me. 3."I don"t speak Italian," she said.

4."Say hello to Jim," they said. 5.The film began at seven o"clock," he said. 6. "Don"t play on the grass, boys" she said. 7."Where have you spent your money?" she asked him. 8."I never make mistakes" he said. 9."Does she know Robert ?" he wanted to know. 10. "Don"t try this at home" the stuntman told the audience. 11."I was very tired" she said 12."Be careful, Ben" she said 13."I will get myself a drink" she says 14. "Why haven"t you phoned me?" he asked me 15."I cannot drive them home" he said. 16."Peter, do you prefer tea or coffee?" she says 17."Where did you spend your holidays last year?" she asked me 18.He said: "Don"t go too far" 19."Have you been shopping?" he asked us 20. "Don"t make so much noise" he said.

используйте past simple и past perfect 1) when we ( to arrive)____at the theatre, the performance (to start)____ already 2) i (to do)

____ the dishes before we (to go) ____ for a walk

3)Nick (to play) _______ tennis yesterday, he (to play) ____ never it before

4)Kate (to make)_______ a cake when her parents (to come) ___ home


перепишите в косвенной речи:

1)he said: "i have just received a letter from my unele:

2) "i am going to the theatre tonight" , he said to me

3)the clerk said to them ,:"you can leave the key with maid upstairs"

4)he asked his mother: "what are you doing?"

5) my friend asked me " does your sister play the piano?"


условные предложения. Раскройте скобки

1) if friend (to come) _________ to see me tomorrow. i (to be) ______very glad .

2)if my mother (to buy) ____ a cake , we (to have) ____ a a very nice tea party.

3)if we (to receive)______ a telegram from him last week we( to worry)


Помогите, прошу!!! 36. – Выразите вопросительные предложения косвенной речью. 1. My friend asked me: "Which book did you take?" 2. Father said to Kate:

"What are you doing now?" 3. Tom said: "Have you met Pat before?" 4. Judy asked Nike: "Did you invite your friends?" 5. My aunt asked me: "Have you already finished your exams?" 6. The teacher asked his pupils: "Do you like the story?" 7. The passenger said: "What time does the plane arrive?" 8. Grandmother said to Jack: "Will you send a telegram tomorrow?" 9. She asked her guest: "Do you prefer coffee to tea?" 10. Mother asked her children: "Who has broken the cup?" 11. The child asked his father: "What is this toy made of?" 12. The doctor said to his patient: "How are you feeling now?" 13. Sam asked Jane: "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?" 14. He asked his friend: "Can I get you something to drink?" 15. John asked Chris: "When are you leaving?"

Помогите Переделать специальные вопросы в косвенной речи 1)They said to him "What time does the train start " 2) I asked my uncle "How long did you

stay in the Crimea?" 3)Mother said to me "Who has brought this parcel" 4)Ada said to me "Where did you see such trees?" 5)I said to Becky "What king of book has your friend brought you ?"

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